305 COMPARATIVE GOVERNMENT (3) A comparative s tudy of the governmenta l systemi;, of England, France, West Germany, and Ru ss ia. Each governmental system compared to the American system of govern ment. Offered alternate years. 307 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (3) A survey of the national-state system, forces affecti ng in ternational relations, sources of conflict in wo rld politics, and their solution by power politics and international cooperation. 400 POLITI CAL PARTIES (3) Analysis of the hi story, philosophy, organization, and functioning of America's politi ca l parties. 401 PROBLEMS IN AMERI CAN FOREIGN POLICY (3) Analytic case studi es of t he actual conduct of American policy with foreign nations. A brief consideration of the obj ectives and limitation s of American foreign policy. 405 INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION (3) The hi story, objectives, stru cture, function s, and politics involved in the United Nations. Offered alternate years. 406 LEGISLATION (3) The mechanical rul es, procedures, and customs in the making of laws in American government. Offered alternate years. 410 LATIN AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS (3) The philosophy a nd the structure of t he various Latin Ameri ca n governments. Empha s is on recent change resulting from World War II developments. Offered alternate years. 411 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN LATIN AMERICA (3) Relations between the Latin American repub li cs a nd other world powers. Emphasis on relations with the United States . Offered alternate years. The objectives of the department are ( 1) to prepare the student for the informed applicat ion of occupa tiona l ski lls a nd ( 2 ) to prepare the student for further professional study . Department Minor: The Sociology minor consists of 20 units of upper division courses which must include 310 and 420. Sociology 202 is a pre-minor requirement. 202 SOCIOLOGY (3) Survey of social groups; their fi elds and methods, their interactions and their effects on the individual; consideration of culture, roles, socialization, social classes, institu tions, and minority groul}s . 301 MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY (3) The family as a social insti tuti on. Historical development of the modern family; current trends in family structure and functions; problems of family life; analysis of American courtship and marria.ge patterns. Offered alternate years . SOCIOLOGY Objective.
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