Veterans Biola is authorized to train students under Public Law 358 and under the State of California Veterans Educational Institute, which provides benefits for orphans and disabled veterans' dependents only. Persons who desire to attend school under Bill 358 should secure a Certificate of Eligibility from their local office of Veterans' Administration before Registration Day. Married veterans who desire subsist ence for dependents should have substantial proof for such dependency, such as marriage certificate and birth certificates of their children. Persons who have not received authorization by the time of registration must be prepared to assume responsibility for all fees covered by the authorization. Any fees paid by the student will be refunded when authorization is received. REGISTRATION All students should register during scheduled registration days. Late registra tion will continue two weeks after the regular registration days. A late registra tion fee of $5.00 will be charged during the first week, and $10.00 during the second week. Registration is not complete until tuition and fees have been paid. Students will receive credit for only those courses in which they are officially enrolled in the Registrar's Office. Change of Registration A student who finds it necessary to drop or add a subject must secure from the Registrar's Office the proper form for such procedure. A student who drops a course without fulfilling this requirement will receive an "F" in the subject. A charge of $2.00 is made for each class change. Changes in registration may be made during the two weeks of late registration. After that date courses cannot be added. Courses may be dropped without penalty during the first six weeks. To drop a course without penalty between the sixth and tenth weeks a student must secure permission from the Registrar's Office. A grade of "F" is given for work below passing grade. Students who drop a course for reasons of health after the sixth week must secure from the Medical Department a statement of physical inability to carry the academic load. Withdrawal A student who officially withdraws from college during a semester will receive a grade of "W" in all courses in which the work is of passing grade at the time of withdrawal; otherwise, a grade of "WF" will be given. A student who with draws may be granted honorable dismissal provided that he has met all of his financial obligations to the college, has secured from the Registrar's Office and completed all forms for withdrawal, and is in good standing at the time.
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