
The men's and women's r €creational representatives are elected officers of the student body. These representatives, with the counsel of the school's Athletic Director, plan and arrange for r ecr eat ional trips to city playgrounds and for the competitive sports: men's basketball, football, and baseball; and women' s basketball and softball. Twice each year , fall and spr ing, t he Student Body arranges for an Open House, at whi ch time the fri ends of the school and especially prospective students are invited to tour the buildings and become acquainted with the details of school life. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Student Body sponsors two student publications: a weekly newspaper, the BIOLA CHIMES; and a yearbook, the BIOLAN. These serve to keep a record of school life, to interest yo ung people in the College as a place of healthy activity, and to inform t he friends of the school of items of current interest. KING'S DAUGHTERS AND BIOLA MEN The women of the school are bound together in spiritual fellowship as daughters of the King. This organi zation , the King's Daughters, exists for the purpose of promoting fe llowship and friendship. To this end they plan various means of becoming acquainted and conduct an evening meeting once a month. The corresponding organization for the men of the school is known as Biola Men. Their program is similar to that of t he King's Daughters. ATHLETICS Intercollegiate athletics at Biola Co llege provide men and women with interest and abi lity in athletics an oppor tun ity to compete with other institutions of higher educati on whose size and athletic policies are s imila r. Intercollegiate competition for men is conducted in the fo llowin g sports: baseball, basketball, cross-country, wrestling, soccer, tennis, and t r ack and field. Women compete with other colleges in basketball and sof tba ll. Intramural activities are organi zed in both team and individual sports for men and women who do not have the in terest, ability, or time for varsity t eams, but who desire well planned physica l act ivity and spor ts competition. FORENSICS Biola College is a n active member of t he Pacific Southwest Collegiate Forensic Assoc iation . The Biola forensic squad r egu lar ly attends the intercolleg iate speech tournaments sponsor ed by this organization. In addition, students also represent Biola College in other major tournaments t hroughout the West ern States . For the benefit of the ent ire student body , an intramural speech tournament is held in the spring of each year.


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