

PROFESSORS: Braun, Bynum (chairman), Christian, Kurtaneck ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS: Daniels, Ebeling, *McNeely ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: Cook, Hart, Mitchell INSTRUCTOR: Leonard BIBLE Objective. The objective of the Bible Department is to train the student in the reverent and effective use of the Bible for personal life, evangelism, and public ministry. To this end three methods of Bible study are employed. The synthetic method of Bible study is designed to enable the student to obtain a broad view of the contents of Scripture, seeing each book as a whole and its relation to the other books. The analytical method first considers a book as a unit in the light of its authorship, purpose, and theme, and then outlines the contents to show the relationship of each part to the whole. The expository method instructs the student in setting forth in detail the fullness of the divine truth.

Premajor Requirements: Greek 101, 102

Department Major: 24 upper division units, including 401, 402. Required col­ lateral courses are History 418; Greek 201, 202; Christian Education 201. 101 EARLY HEBREW HISTORY (3) Survey of Genesis through Deuteronomy. Introductory problems of authorship, sources , and historical accuracy. Synthetic presentation of the content of each book. 102 LATER HEBREW HISTORY (3) A survey of Biblical history from Joshua through Esther. Hebrew poetic form and literary devices of the poetic books. 103 PROPHETIC LITERATURE I-SURVEY (2) A survey of the Old Testament prophetic sec ti on. Content, interpretation, and hi s­ torical relations of each book. 105 TYPOLOGY (2) Old Testament types in Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus, placing special emphasis upon the Tabernacle, the offerings, and the feasts, emphasizing the spiritual lessons whi ch can be applied to personal life. Offered alternate years. 106 CHAPTER SUMMARY (2) Introduction , demonstration, and use of the Chapter Summary method of Bible study in selected books of the Bible with application of the text to various phases of the Christian life. Offered alternate years. 107 PERSONAL EVANGELISM (2) The various methods of personal work, objections most frequently encountered, and instructions for strengthening new converts in the faith. Emphasis upon Scripture memorization. Includes doctrine of spiritual life. Either semester.

'''On leave 1968-69


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