
404 STUDENT TEACHING IN THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL II (4) Laboratory ex,perience similar to Education 403 at a different grade level. Education 403 and 404 are completed during the same semester. Either semester. 405 PROBLEMS SEMINAR (2) Consideration of topics related to the curriculum of the elementary school. Special emphasis given to the teaching of music and art. Either semester. Co--requisite: 403-404. 442 TEACHING IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL (3) Objectives, methods, and materials of teaching the various subjects in secondary schools. Required, before student teaching, of candidates for the Standard Teaching Credential with a Specialization in Secondary Teaching. Observation and participation in junior and senior high school classes. Either semester. 443, 444 STUDENT TEACHING IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL (3, 3) Student teaching in the major field or in both the major and minor fields. Participa­ tion for a semester in a regular secondary school t eaching program under the guidance of qualified supervising teachers. Includes a seminar each week in problems and procedures of secondary school teaching under the direction of college supervisors. Either semester. Prerequisites: Completion of all other departmental requirements and departmental approval. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS Objective. The objectives of the Physical Education program are (1) to teach sports skills; (2) to teach the necess ity for, and the techniques of, physical fit­ ness; (3) to provide wholesome r ecreational activities and intramural sports; (4) to conduct intercollegiate athletics; and (5) to provide a major in physical education. Students are r equired to complete four semesters of physical education. All fresh­ men and transfer students will select PE 100, Physical Education Orientation, during the fall semester . Students studying for the elementary school teaching certificate, but not select­ ing physical education as a minor area of concentration, should select PE 201 and three other physical education activity classes. The major consists of 36 semester units , 28 of which must be upper division, including skills activity courses. A candidate for the Physical Education major must demonstrate acceptable physical qualifications and abilities. Included in the 36 units requirement will be 8 units of skills activity for men and 6 units for women. These units will be in addition to the four semester general education requirement. In addition, the following courses must be com­ pleted: PE 300, 301, 302, 304, 305, 400, 406. Men will take 316, 404 and select any two from PE 310, 311, 312, 313, 314 . Women will take PE 309, 320, 321, 322, 324. Department Major. No te : It is imperative that students desiring to secure a Bachelor's degree in the field of physical education plan their course with their major professor.


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