402 SYSTEMATIC PSYCHOLOGY (3) Consideration of psychological systems and present trends; e.g., behaviorism, Gestal t psychology, psychoanalysis, and others. Some consideration of the hi storical back grounds of modern psychology. 403 THE EXCEPTIONAL CHILD (3) Problems connected with the understanding and training of retarded, gifted, sensory handicapped, neurologically impaired, emotionally di sturbed, and culturally disad- vantaged children. · 405 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Focuses upon interaction between individuals and soc iety. Special attention given to areas of group dynamics, pressures, conformity, cohesiveness, and leader ship. Analysi s of processes involved in attitude formation and change. Prerequisite: 206. ( Spring semester.) 407 ADVANCED PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING (3) Practice in the administration and interpretation of the Binet , Wechsler , and other tests. Prerequisite: 306. 408 MENTAL HYGIENE (3) An introduction to the field of menta l hygiene as it relates to the basis for mental health; a discussion of deviations . The prevention of such abnormalities, with special reference to the needs of children and adolescents. (Fall semester.) 409 PSYCHOLOGY OF SENSATION AND PERCEPTION (3) A survey of the organic and psychic aspects of sensation and their interpretation with reference to the perceptual processes. With laboratory sessi0'11s. (Spring semester.) 411 THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (3) A critical comparison of current theories about the development and organization of personality, including Allport, Murray, Lewin, social psychological, and p sycho-analytic theories . 414 READINGS IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Special reading course designed to acquaint the student with a wide range of litera ture in the field of psychology. (Either semester.) Prerequisite: Senior standing. 415 PHYSIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Survey course to introduce student to physiological ba sis of behavior, with emphasi s on nervous system. With labora,tory sessions. Prerequi site: 206 . 416 LEARNING AND MOTIVATION (4) An examination of empirical findings and theoretical developments in the areas of conditioning, skill learning, transfer, retention, drive, needs arousal, and the function of rewards. With laboratory sessions. Prerequisite: 206. (Fa)] semester.) 418 CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) A survey of clinical theory and an introduction to clinical methods . Prerequisite: 309. 420 EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH (1-3) Independent experimental research under the guidance of an instructor. Prerequisite: 305.
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