

PROFESSOR: Brown ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR: Lock ASSISTANT PROFESSORS: J. Hill (chairman), Kindell, Schaper, Schumacher, Schwarz, Unfreid, Wiebe, Wong INSTRUCTORS: Wall, Weathers, Zamora ART Objective. The objectives of the Art Department are (1) to promote profici­ ency in a specialized area for a professional art career, (2) to develop adequate intellectual foundations and technical skills to pursue advanced study in Art. 20 units, of which 12 must be upper division. As part of this 20 unit requirement, the student must complete lower division courses 101, 103, 104, 201, upper division courser; 311 or 312, and eight units from the follow­ ing: Drawing, Painting, Watercolor, Design, Art History. Department Minor. 101 ART APPRECIATION (2) Designed to promote an appreciation of painting, scu lpture, and architecture, as well as the graphics, industrial, and decorative arts. A comparative study of styles, periods, and artists. Prerequisite for all subsequent art courses. Either semester. 102 GREAT MASTER WORKS (2) An analytical view of major artistic achievements in painting. Group and individual projects. Either semester. Fee: $8.00.

103 BEGINNING OIL PAINTING (2) Painting in oil, problems using still life.

104 DRAWING (2) Basic drawing to study form, perspective and composition.

105 DRAWING (2) A continuation of 104, studying still life and model. Prerequisite: 104 or consent of instructor. 201 DESIGN (3) Fundamentals of design. Problems using the basic elements of design. Pre,requisite: 104. 202 DESIGN (3) A continuation of Design 201, with problems in color, compos ition, and rendering. Prerequisite: 201. 300 OIL PAINTING (2) Painting of still life and models. Prerequisite: 103, 104, 105, or consent of instructor. 301 WATERCOLOR (2) Studies in watercolor or still life and landscape. Prerequisite: 104, 105, or consent of instructor.


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