76 units of music. A minimum of 28
Music Theo1'y and Composition Major: units is in music theory and composition. Chur ch Musi c Major:
76 units of music. A mm1mum of 16 units is in church music and 13 units is in applied music. The church music major's principal in strument must be either voice or organ and is to be taken in the following combination: ( 1) Organ : 9 units of organ; 4 units of voice; (2) Voice: 9 units of voice; 4 units of organ. Music Education Major (secondary credential program) : 55 units of music. This program is not recommended for those students who desire piano or organ as their principal instrument. It is primarily designed for students with a voice or instrumental (wind or string) emphasis. Music Education Major (elementary credential program): 50 units of music. Minimum proficiency on piano is recommended for those students entering this program, as the piano proficiency requirement for graduating with this major is higher than for some of the other music majors. Non-professional D epartment Major (B.A. degree) : 58 units of music. A mini mum of 12 units is in applied music. Department Minm·. A minor in music is offered for those desiring a major in fie lds other than music. This minor consists of 31 units with a minimum of six units in applied music.
Des igned for entering music majors who are deficient in the theoretical fundamentals of music . Includes such fundamentals as the notation of pitch in the treble and bass clefs, notation of rhythmic symbols, major and minor scales and their respective key signatures, other scales, intervals in all forms, performance terms and symbols. Two hours each week. 101 THEORY (2) Scales , intervals, primary triads in root position, first and second inversion, secondary t riads. Chord progression and cadences . Harmonization of melodies and figured bass; periods according to specification, and original work. Three hours each week. Prere qui site : Music 51 or passing a music theory entrance examination. Co-requisite: Music 111. 102 THEORY II (2) Secondary triads, dominant seventh chord, modulation, non-chord tones, secondary dominants, diminished seventh chord, . secondary seventh chords. Harmonization of melodies and figured bass, original work, and analysis. Three hours each week. Co requi site: Music 112. 111 DICTATION AND SIGHT SINGING I (1) Dictation and r eading of melodies based on the h a rmonic material of 101. Two hours each week. Co-requisite: 101.
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