112 DICTATION AND SIGHT SINGING II (1) Dictation and reading of melodies based on the harmonic material of 102. Two hours each week. Co-requisite: 102. 201 THEORY III (2) Review of basic harmonic el ements. Analysis of melodies of all periods. Introducti on to eighteenth century counterpoint. Harmonic practice of the eighteenth century .sec ondary dominants, some seventh chords, modulations, non-harmonic tones, et cetera. Analysis of chorales and inventions. Harmonization of figured basses, melodies. Three hours each week. Prerequisite : 102. 202 THEORY IV (2) A study of the structural aspects of music of the nineteenth century, with emphasis on melody and harmony. Special attention to distant modulations and other features of highly chromatic music. Analysis of representative works and practical application through harmonization of melodies and creative writing in the style. Three hours each week. Prerequisite: 201. (1) Dictation and reading of two-part mu sic. Two hours each week. Prerequisite: 112. 211 DICTATION AND SIGHT SINGING III 212 DICTATION AND SIGHT SINGING IV (1) Dictation and reading of three and four-part music. Two hours each week. Prerequisite : 211. 301 SIXTEENTH CENTURY COUNTERPOINT (2) Contrapuntal principles and practices of 16th century modal technique. Prerequisite: 202. 302 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY COUNTERPOINT (2) Analysis and creative work in the principles and practices of harmonic contrapuntal technique of the 18th century. Prerequisite: 202.
304 THEORY OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (2) Twentieth century harmony and counterpoint. Prerequisite: 301.
311 KEYBOARD HARMONY I (1) Review of diatonic and chroma.tic harmony with emphasis on the figured bass system. Projects in 18th century continuo realization s. Prerequis ite: 212. (1) Harmonization of melodies at the keyboard; modulation; transposition; improvi sation. Prerequisite: 311. 312 KEYBOARD HARMONY II 313, 314 ORCHESTRATION I & II (2, 2) Range, technique, and transposition of orchestral instruments, exercises in orchestra tion. Prerequisite: 305. 403, 404 COMPOSING AND ARRANGING FOR THE EVANGELICAL CHURCH I & II (2, 2) The composing of anthems, cantatas, and oratorios suitable for ensembles of va rying proficiency in the evangelical church. Includes composing in t.he vocal and instrumental performance media. Prerequisite: 305.
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