
427 VOICE PEDAGOGY (2) Teaching methods and practice in the teaching of voice. Evaluation of vocal methods. Observation in voice classes. Offered Fall 1969 and alternate years. 429 ORGAN PEDAGOGY (1) Procedures and ma,t erials used in t eaching private organ. Survey of graded li teratu re. Offered Fall 1968 and alternate years . Music Ensembles Biola Chorale (1 unit, three hours weekly). Performance of choral works repre­ senting various styles and periods. Two-week tour during Spring semester. Open to aIJ students by audition. CariIJons (0 units, three hours weekly) . Performance of choral compositions for chamber or madrigal choir, suitable for church services, concerts, and banquets. Open to alJ students by audition . (FulfilJs Christian Service assignment.) ColJegians (0 units, three hours weekly). P erformance of choral works appropri­ ate for the evangelical church. Tour during Spring semest er. Open to alJ students by audition. (Fulfills Christian Service assignment.) Brass Ensemble (1 unit , three hours weekly) . P erformance of the finest in brass repertoire. Joins with the Chorale in presenting choral and brass compositions in concert. Open to alJ students by audition. Woodwind Ensemble (1 unit, two hours weekly ). Performance of Chamber mus ic for woodwinds. Open to all students by audition. La Mirada Symphony (1 unit, two and a half hours weekly ) . Open by audi tion to string, woodwind, and brass performers of outstanding ability. Chamber Music Ensemble (Vocal and Instrumental) (1 unit, two hours weekly) . Designed for those interested in chamber literature for various instrumental and vocal ensemble combinations.

Additional Music Courses (Not allowed for credit in the Mus ic Major) 171 SONG LEADING (2)

A simple course in con.ducting especially designed to prepare the student t o direct congregational singing through actual practice and analysis of each student's per­ formance. 251 BASIC MUSIC (2) Instruction in fundamental s of music covering the areas of notation, history of music, appreciation of music, musi cal forms and style, playing the piano, autoharp, tonette, and rhythm instruments. A survey of materials used in teaching the singing, rhythmic, listening, playing, and creative activities to children.


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