305 NEURO-ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (4) The anatomy and physiology of the n ervous system. Several species represented, but the human emphasized. Offered 1969-70 and a lternate years . Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. 311 CELLULAR BIOLOGY (4) The nature and composition of the cell in living organ isms. Cell types representative of the major structures and systems empha s ized. The breadth of living or gani sms. Methodo logy of cell study. Three hours lectur e, three hours laboratory. 320 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (4) The molecu lar level app lied to the physical, chemical, physiologica l, and anatomical functions of the living or gani sm. Common and contrasting features in the breadth of living organisms compared. Mcthodolgy of the mo.Jecular leve l. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. 331 MICROBIOLOGY (4) The benefi cia l and pathogeni c signifi cance of mi cro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, pro tozoa, viruses). Identificat ion, control , and rn ethodolg-y. Three hours lecture, two labora tory sessions, two hours each. 401 POPULATION BIOLOGY (4) Genetics and ecology r elated to biolog ica l population s encompassing a ll living organi sms. Three hours lec ture, three hours laboratory. 402 ORIGIN OF THE ORGANIC WORLD (3) Cunent and past t hinking· on the or ig in of t he organic world. Introduction to recent discover ies and cur rent t hought directed toward an intelligen t evaluation of the available evidence. Offered 1968-69 and a lternate years. 404 GENETICS (3) The laws of heredity a nd their s ignifi ca nce in plants, a nimal s, and human beings. Offered 1968-69 and alternate year s. Three hours lecture. 411, 412 BIOLOGY SEMINAR (1) Direct ed research (literature or laboratory ), followed by oral presentation, group discuss ion, and eva luation. Ind ependent thought and study stressed. One hour session. 420 BIOCHEMISTRY (5) Fundamental concepts of biochemi stry , including chemistry of proteins, amino acids, peptides, ca rbohydra tes, lipids, nucl eic acids, and nucleotides, enzymes, metabolism and energy transfer process . Prerequisite: Chemi stry 105, 106, 301. Three hours lec ture, six hours laboratory.
Designed primarily for the n ursi ng student. Principl es of ch emistry and application to med icine. May be taken for credit in phys ica l science. Three hours lecture, three hours labora tory. Prerequi site: high school chemistry. 105, 106 GENERAL CHEMISTRY (5, 5) Princ ipl es and theories of chemistry. Qualitative analysis included in 106. Chemistry of the inorganic compounds s ignifi ca nt to mankind. Prerequisite: high school chemistry.
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