322 LINEAR ALGEBRA (3) Topics from matrices, determinants, linear transformations, a nd vector spaces. Offer ed a lternate years. Prerequisite : 320 or consent of instructor. 332 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS I (3) Introduction to probability, probability di stribution s, probability densities, mathemati cal expectation for discrete and continuou s random variables . Offered alternate yea rs. Prerequisite: 107 or consent of instructor. 333 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS II (3) Sums of ran dom variables, sampling di str ibuti ons, point estimation, interval estimation, tests of hypotheses, regression and correlation, introduction to analysis of variance. Offered alternate years . Prerequis ite : 331 350 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (3) Linear equa ti on s of first and second order. Variation of parameters, systems of equa tions, solution of series , applications in physics and engineering. Prerequisite: 107. 361, 362 ADVANCED CALCULUS I, II (3, 3) Rigorous ana lysis of the calcul us and its foundations, functions of one and more variables, partial differentiation, multiple integrals, line a nd surface integrals, infinite series, and theory of integration. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: 350. Basic principles of the physical sciences; physics, chemistry, geology, and astronomy. Provides a knowl edge of how the phys ical sc iences contribute to an understanding of the physical envirCYnment. Designed to meet the general education r equirement. F our hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Laboratory fee: $10. 107, 108 GENERAL PHYSI CS (4, 4) First semester, the basic principles of mechanics, wave motion , and heat. Second semester, light, electri city, magneti sm, and a tomi c structure. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Mathematics 101 or 111 , or consent of instructor. Laboratory fe e: $10. 00. 110 ASTRONOMY (3) An introductory cour se in astronomy including, the earth-moon system and the plaRets , stars and stellar syst ems, nebulae, galaxies, telescopes and their accessories . NURSING The Nursing Program at Biola College is a basic, baccalaureate program of five academic or calendar years in len gth, lead ing to the Bachelor of Science degree in the major of Nursing, and qualifies the graduate to write the California State Board examinations to obtai n the licensure R.N. The entire program is conducted on the campus with clinical courses given under the instruction of the college nurs in g faculty in approximately e ight hospitals, public health centers, and schools. PHYSICAL SCIENCES 101 PHYSICAL SCIENCE SURVEY (5)
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