
209 ANCIENT HISTORY (3) The ancient empires of the East and the Greek Peninsula to the defeat of the Greeks by the Romans. Special attention given to art, literature, and political institutions and their subsequent influence upon Western civilization. Offered alternate years. 210 ROMAN HISTORY (3) Roman history from its beginning to the fall of the Empire. Emphasis upon Rome's part in the preparation of the Mediterranean world for the spread of Christianity, and Rome's contributions to Western civilization. Offered alternate years. 301 AMERICAN COLONIAL HISTORY (3) The settlement of North America and the growtb of Anglo-American civilization to 1763, stressing the development of political, economic, and religious institutions, and the development of a dis,tinctive Americ,an cultureā€¢. Offered alternate years. 302 THE UNITED STATES FROM COLONY TO NATION (3) The American Revolution, the establishment of a democratic government, and the growth of the national culture from 1763 to 1828. Offered alternate years. 303 THE DISRUPTION OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY (3) Slavery, sectionali sm, the r ealignment of political parties, their impact upon Amerioan national life, and the disruption of American democracy from 1828 to 1860. Offered a lternate years. 304 THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR AND RECONSTRUCTION (3) The background, cau ses, war-time conditio,ns both civil ,and military in the North a nd South. Problems of reconstruction. Offered alterna.te years. 305 THE GROWTH OF MODERN AMERICA (3) Post-Civil War growth and development of the national economy and culture, political reform movements, and the rise to a position of world power to 1900. Offered alternate years . 306 THE UNITED STATES IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY (3) The political, economic, inte ll ectua l, and cultural aspects of American democracy in the twentieth century. Emphas is on the impact of two world wars upon the American way of life. Offered alternate years. 309 COLONIAL LATIN AMERICA (3) . A survey of the Pre-Colombian cultures; the conquest by Spain and Portugal and the European background of these countries; the development of the socio-economic, cul­ tural, and governmental institutions in colonial life; the background of revolution and the wars of independence. Offered a lterna t e years. 310 REPUBLICAN LATIN AMERICA (3) A survey of the Latin American Republics from 1836 to 1945, emphasizing historical and representative government, socio-economic, and cultura l changes, and the role of the United States' foreign policy in this era. Offered alternate years. 311 LATIN AMERICA SINCE 1945 (3) The Republics of Latin America since 1945 with special emphasis on changes in political, social, economic, and religious institutions resulting from international de­ velopments growing out of World War II. Offered alternate years.


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