415 HISTORY OF THE NEAR EAST (3) An integrated survey of the fundamental social, economic, and political changes in the Near East. Emphasis on post-World War II development. Offered a lternate years. 416 HISTORY OF MODERN RUSSIA (3) Social and political hi story of modern Russia, with an analysis of Tsardom, th e revolutionary movement, and the establishment and development of the Sovi et regime . Offered alternate years. 417 DIPLOMATIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) A survey of American dip lomatic history from the standpoint of the concepts of neu trality, isolation, expansion, manifest destiny, and the Monroe Doctrine. Offered alter nate years . 418 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, origin, development, and spread of the Christian r eligion. Special emphasis on the modern era. Offered alternate years. 419 HISTORY OF COMMUNISM (3) Background, origin, development, teachings, and techniques of expansion of inter national Communism. Emphasis on the role of the Soviet Union in the Communist movement. Offered a lternate years . 420 HISTORIOGRAPHY (3) An introduction to the nature and di scipline of hi story. Major problems of historical interpretation. 421 SEMINAR IN HISTORY (3) Special studi es in hi story with emphasis on practice in techniques of research and formal writing. Empha s is on current problems. 451, 452 AREA SEMINAR IN HISTORY (3, 3) An intensive study of the geographic areas of Europe, the United States, Latin America, or Asia , according to the special needs of the student.
301, 302 SURVEY OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (3, 3) The organization and function of the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the national government, national defense, finance , conservation of resources, busi ness, labor, agriculture, foreign relations , civil rights, and other subjects of national interest. Satisfies the state requirement s in institutions in American h istory. 303 HISTORY OF POLITICAL THEORY (3) A hi story of man's attempts to define the issues of politics and to apply reason to the conduct of government. A chronological survey of political thought from Classical Greece to the present. Offered alternate years. 304 STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT (3) A survey of the state and community systems of government as to structure and function. Offered alternate years.
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