
Students completing a major in Christian Education will receive the certificate of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association. Departmental Requirements for a Maior in Christian Education. The student majoring in this Deparbnent must take the following courses: Christian Education 103, 106, 301, 302, 303, 304, 402, 403, and 404; Psychology 206, 208, 301, 302, and 408; Bible 301 and 302; Doctrine, four units; Missions 301 and 302; Music 191, or its equivalent. 101. EVANGELISM IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. (2) A study of youth (from infancy through adolescence) with a view to under­ standing the various periods of his development, thereby finding the most effective ways of leading him to an intelligent acceptance of Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. 102. METHODS OF TEACHING. (2) An explanation and demonstration of the most effective methods of lesson prep­ aration and presentation of Bible material to each age group in the Sunday school. Instruction in the use of visual aids. 103. METHODS OF EVANGELIZING AND TEACHING. (2) An explanation and demonstration of the methods of preparing and presenting Biblical material, including ways of leading the pupil to an intelligent acceptance of Christ as Saviour. Designed for Christian Education majors. 104. BIBLICAL BACKGROUNDS. (2) A geographical survey of the ancient Bible world together with a study of customs and manners in Bible times. 106. SURVEY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION. (2) The historical, vocational, and practical aspects of the Christian education field. 301. ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION. (2) A functional study of the total educational program of the local church. 302 DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL AND HANDCRAFT. (2) The plan, purpose, and organization of the D.V.B.S. program, planning around a central theme. Collection of practical material and instruction in correlated handwork. 303. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHILDREN. (3) Practical application and evaluation of the organization and administration, curricula, program planning, methods and techniques employed by the church and other agencies with the objective of reaching children for Christ.

304. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF YOUTH. (3) A correlate of Christian Education 303, dealing with adolescents.

403-404. PRACTICUM AND SEMINAR. (3-3) The assignment of observation and teaching in a Christian Day School cl assroom or Christian leadership in other life situations with discussion of practical problems in the field of Christian education. 405-406. WORKSHOP IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION . (3-3) Classroom preparation with practical training under approved supervmon in Christian education agencies such as Children's Seaside Mission, youth work, Daily Vacation Bible School, camps and conferences. (Credit equivalent to 403-404.) 33

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