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All hail to Biola we joyfully sing The pledge of our very soul to Christ our King. Completely committed to be used of the Lord With faith that is grounded on His Holy Word. We're building tomorrow by learning today To go forth in service showing others the way. All hail to Biola we joyfully sing The pledge of our very soul to Christ our King.

Biola College 1974-1975

General Catalog

PHONE: (213) 941-3224 13800 BIOLA AVENUE LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA 90639

Academic Calendar SUMMER SCHOOL 1974

Advance Registration Registration - First Sessior. First Session (5 weeks) Registration- Second Session Second Session (3 weeks) FALL SEMESTER 1974 Residence Halls Open

May 21-23 June 6-7 June 10-July 12 July 11-12 July 15-August 2 September 7 September 9-13 September 9 September 16 September 27 September 30- October 4 October 30 November 15 November 25-27 November 28-29 December 6 December 9-13 December 14- J anuary 5 January 17 January 19 January 20-23 January 20-23 January 30-31 February 3 February 14 February 21-22 March 7 March 22-31 April 16 April 21-23 May 2 May 5-9 May 12-16 May 30 June 1

Orientation- Registration Reception for new students Convocation and classes begin Last day to register and to add new classes

Spiritual Emphasis Week Day of Prayer College Day Senior Comprehensive Examinations Thanksgiving Recess Last day to withdraw from classes without F for course Semester examinations and projects Christmas Recess (classes meet through December I 3 and resume January 6) Final day of classes for Fall Semester Mid-year commencement Torrey Memorial Conference SPRING SEMESTER 1975 Registration (continuing students) Orientation- Registration (incoming students) Convocation and classes begin Last day to register and to add new classes Homecoming College Day Easter Recess ( classes resume: Tuesday, April 1) Day of Prayer Senior Comprehensive Examinations Last day to withdraw from classes with out F for course Semester examinations and projects Missionary Conference Final day of classes for spring semester Commencement

SUMMER SCHOOL 1975 First Session (5 weeks) Second Session (3 weeks) FALL SEMESTER 1975 (Tentative) Orien ta tion- Registration Convocation and classes begin

June 2-July 3 July 7-25

September 8-12 September 15


1974 Calendar




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Academic Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Board of Trustees, Administration, Faculty, Faculty Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 General Information . . ....... . .............................. . . 20 Admission, Registration, and Graduation Requirement s ... . ............ .. 25 Financial Information ... . .. . . ....... ..... .. ............. . .... 37 Student Services ... . ..... . . . .. .. .. . ...... . . . . .... .. .... ..... 44 Student Activities ..... ................ .............. .... . .. 47 Description of Courses ... ................ ....... ..... . . ....... 49 Academic Departments Anthropology and Linguistics ... . ............. . ... . .......... . 50 Art . .. . .... ........ . . . ... .... . . .. ........... .... ..... 52 Bible and Doctrine .. . . .. ................ . ....... .. ... . . . . . 55 Biological Science ...................... .. ................. 59 Business Administration and Economics ... . ..... . .. ... ........... 63 Christian Education ... . . .... . .... ........ .... ... . ... . . ... . . 66 Communications ..... . ....................... . ...... . ..... 69 Education . ....... . ..... . .... . . . .................... .. .. 73 English ................ . . . .. ...... . ....... ..... .. ...... 77 Foreign Language . . . ....... ... . . ........... . ....... .. ..... 80 History and Geography ... . . .. .. . . . .......... .. . .. ........... 83 Mathematical Sciences . . . . ..... .. ............. . ... . ......... 88 Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 1 Music ..... . . . . ... ...... .... ... . ...... . ............ . ... 93 Nursing .. ........ .. ... . .. ... . . ... .. . ...... .. ... ........ 99 Philosophy .... .. ... . ........ . ...... . .. .. .. . ..... . . . ...... 104 Physical Education, Recreation and Athletics ...... . ............. .. .106 Physical Science . . .. . . ............... . ... .. . . ... ..... ... .. 111 Poli ti cal Science .. . . . ......... . . ... .... .. . . . . . ........... .113 Psychology . .. ..... . .... . .......... . . .... ........ . ...... . 114 Sociology .. ...... . .... . .. ............... .... . .......... 117 Summer School, European Tour, Semester in Germany ...... . ... . .. . .... 120 Summary of Enrollment .... . .. ....... . . . ..................... 121 Index ... .... .. ...... .. . .... . . .. ...... . .. . . ........... ... 122



Robert E. Welch . ..... . .. . ... ..... .. .. ..... .... ..... .. ... Chairman Foster W. Bens . . ........ . ......... .. .. ........... .. . . Vice-Chairman

Lloyd T. Anderson Roger Arnebergh John A. Batchelor J . Richard Chase William W. Halcomb Clifton A. Hanna Charles Kohlenberger

Sylvester L. Marshburn

Ray Myers George Peek Gordon Scott

Samuel H. Sutherland

Louis T. Talbot Robert Vernon Walter Warkentin

Edgar R. Lehman


Louis T. Talbot , LL.D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chancellor Samuel H. Sutherland, LL.D.. .... . . .. .. . .... .. . .. . .... . President Emeritus J. Richard Chase, Ph .D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Paul W. Schwepker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ Vice President for Administration Robert F. Crawford, Ph.D.... . ...... . . . ............... Dean of the College Richa rd Arthur , Ph.D........ Director ofSummer School and Academic Administrator Bill V . Bynum , Ed.D... .. ..................... . .. Academic Administrator M. Allen Carden, M.A..... .. ... ... ....... . ......... Admissions Counselor William L. Carden, M.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean ofAdmissions and Records Clyde Cook, Th .M............. . .. .......... . Director ofMissions Activities Daniel J. Eitzen . . ........................ Director ofCollege Advancement Jack B. Fisher , B.S. . . .. ......... . . . ... . ... ... .......... .. .. Registrar Robert Galley ........ . ............... Director of Student Financial Services Gerald L. Gooden, M.L.S . . . . .. ... . . ..... ...... . .. .. Director of the Library Ron Hafer , B.A . . ........................... Director ofStudent Ministries Margaret Hart , M.R.E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dean of Women J. Vincent Morris , Ed .D......... Student Affairs Administrator and Dean ofStudents Richard Nollmeyer , M.D. . .. ... ... . .. .... .. Director ofStudent Health Services Edward H. Norman , Ed .D. ............. . ........... Academic Administrator Earl V . Pullias , Ph .D., Professor of Higher Education at University of Southern California . .... . ... .... . .. ... Educational Consultant Merle Shoemaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Administrator Karen Sunukjian , M.S....... . ... ..... Director of Career Guidance and Placement David Young , M.A ., M.Div.. ....... . ............. Associate Dean of Students



Emeriti SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND President , Emeritus 1936-1970 ARNOLD D. EHLERT Graduate Studies Librarian, Emeritus 1954-1973 WALLACE EMERSON Professor of Psychology, Emeritus 1948-1968 GORDON HOOKER Assistant Professor of Music, Emeritus 1926-1968 MARTHA HOOKER Assistant Professor of Christian Education, Emerita 1926-1968 DOROTHY KINDELL Assistant Professor of Art, Emerita 1956-1970 ANTONIO SERRANO Professor of Language , Emeritus 195 3-1974 A. K. WIENS Associate Professor of History , Emeritus 1957-1968

Faculty of Instruction

Year indicates appointment to faculty ONA ALVANDI Assistant Professor of Nursing , 1972 B.A., Pasadena College, R.N., Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing, Nampa , Idaho ; M.S., University of California, Los Angeles . RICHARD 0. ARTHUR Director of Summer School, Academic Administrator Professor of English and Linguistics, 1967 B.A. , Biota College; M.A ., Ph.D ., Arizona State University ROBERT A. BAMATTRE Public Services Librarian, Instructor, 1972 B.A. , California State University, Los Angeles; M.P.A., University of Southern California; M.L.S., University of Southern California. WILLIAM W. BASS Professor of Philosophy, 1960 B.A. , Pepperdine University ; M.Div. , Fuller Theological Seminary ; M.A. , Ph .D., Univer­ sity of Southern California.


DAVID C. BICKER Associate Professor of Communications, 1962 B.A ., Fort Wayne Bible College; M.Div., Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary ; M.A., Denver University; Ph.D. , University of California, Los Angeles. DOROTHY L. BRAUN Professor of Christian Education, 1966 B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Biblical Seminary and New York University; Ph .D. , New York University . RAYNER BROWN Professor of Music , 1953 B.M. , M.M. , University of Southern California STEPHEN G . BROWN Assistant Professor of Bible , 1973 B.A., University of California, Los Angeles ; B.D., Talbot Theological Seminary; Th.M., Western Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D. , Brandeis University. NANCY BUNDY Assistant Professor of English, I971 B.A., Upland College; M.A. , Ph.D ., University of Southern California DIETRICH BUSS Assistant Professor of History , J 966 B.A., Biola College; M.A ., California State University, Los Angeles; Candidate Ph .D., Claremont Graduate School. REINHARD J. BUSS Professor of German and Folklore, 1964 B-A. , University of Maryland; M.A., Ph.D., University o.f California, Los Angeles. BILL V. BYNUM Academic Administrator , Professor of Christian Education, 1960 B.A. , Biola College; M.R.E. , California Baptist Theological Seminary; Ed.D., South­ western Baptist Theological Seminary. ELIZABETH S. CARDEN Professor of Education, 1952 B.A ., University of California, Los Angeles ; B. Ch. Ed., The Bible Institute of Los Angeles;M.S., Ed.D., University of Southern California. M. ALLEN CARDEN Admissions Counselor, Instructor in Hi sto ry , 1974 B.A. , Bio la College; M.A., California State University, Fullerton. WILLIAM L. CARDEN Dean of Admissions and Records, Professor , 1965 B.A. , Wheaton College; M.A., New York University. ISRAEL CARMONA Professor of History , l 966 B.A. , Biola Coll ege; M.A., California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D. , University of Southern California. J. RICHARD CHASE President, Professor of Communications, 1953 Th.B. , Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A. , M.A., Pepperdine University; Ph .D. , Cornell University.


JAMES H. CHRISTIAN Professor of Biblical Studies , 1951 B.A. , Wes tmont College; Th.B. , The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.D ., Th.M., Th.D. , Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. CLYDE COOK Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Director of Missions Activities, I 957-60, I 967 B.A., Biota College; M.Div., Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary. JAMES 8 . CRAWFORD Associate Professor of History, 1967 B.S. , John Brown University; M.A., Californi a State University, Long Beach. ROBERT F. CRAWFORD Dean of the College, Associate Professor of Chemistry , 1967 B.S., California State Polytechnic University; M.S ., Ph.D., Cornell University. VIRGINIA M. DOLAND Professor of English, 1963 B.S., Bob Jones University; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles ; Ph.D., University of Southern California. WILLIAM H. C. EBELING Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Doctrine, I 953 B.A. , Wheaton College ; Th.B. , Th.M. , Dallas Theological Seminary. LESTER C. EDDINGTON Assistant Professor of Biological Science , 1967 B.S ., M.S ., North Dakota State University ; Candidate Ph.D. , University of California, Los Angeles. JACK FISHER Registrar , Instructor in Mathematics , 1971 8.S., University of Southern California. REBEKAH FLEEGER Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1969 R.N. , Jackson Memorial Hospital ; B.S., Florida State University ; M.N., University of California, Los Angeles. WAYNE S. FLORY Associate Professor of Bible , 1972 B.A ., Westmont College; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary; Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary; M.A., California State University , Los Angeles. ALFRED FOX Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1973 B.A., Biota College; M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary ; M.A., California State University, Fullerton. RUTH FULLER Associate Professor of Nursing , I 968 Diploma , Prairie Bible Institute; R.N. , B.S. , University of Washington; M.A., California State University, Los Angeles. SYLVIA GILMAN

Associate Professor of English, 1961 B.A. , M.A., Colorado State College.


GERALD L. GOODEN Directo r of the Library , Associ ate Professor , 1962 Diploma , Moody Bible Institute ; B.A., Marshall University ; M.L.S., University of California , Los Ange les. PHILIP A. GREBE Instructor in Art , 1973 B.A., Baylor University ; M.A., Stephen F. Austin University . RONALD HAFER Director of Student Ministries , Instructor , 1966 B.A. , Biola College. DAYID L. HAMMOND Professor of Education , 1962 B.S., Bob Jones University; M.A., Arizona State University ; Ed.D. , University of Southern California. DELBERT J. HANSON Associate Professor of Philosophy , 1966 B.A. , M.A. , Wheaton College ; M.A. , University of Southern Californi a MARGARET J. HART Dean of Women, Associate Professor , 1959 Diploma, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A., University of California, Los Angeles ; M.R.E. , Fuller Theological Seminary. DORIS HASLAM Assistant Instructor of Nursing, 197 I Diploma , Prairie Bible Institute ; R.N. , B.S. , University of Alberta. DORCAS HENRY Assistant Professor of Physical Education , 197 1 B.S. , Marion College ; M.A., Ball State University JAMES 0. HENRY Professor of History, 1953 Th.B., The Bible Institute of Los Angeles ; B.A. , Westmont College ; B.A., M.A. , University of Southern California ; Ph .D., University of Maryland. MASAKAZU rw ATA Professor of History, 1961 B.A. , M.A., Ph .D., University of Californi a, Los Angeles. JUDITH JENSEN Instructor in Nursing , 1973 B.S., California State University , Los Angeles ; M.S., Loma Linda University. RICHARD JONES Professor of Education , 1963 B.A. , Wheaton College; B.D., Fuller Theological Seminary ; M.A., California State University , Los Ange les; Ed .D., University of California , Los Angeles. LET A A. JULANDER Associate Professor of Nursing , 1968 R.N. , St. Luke's Hospital, Bellingham; B.S., University of Washington; M.N., Univer­ sity of California , Los Angeles.

-9 -

PAUL KULD Assistant Professor of Biology , 1969 B.A., M.A. , California State University ,_Long Beach. NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Bib lical Studies , 1959 B.A., Grace College; Th .B., B.D. , Th.M. , Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary . PETER KURTZ Professor of Physics, 1968 B.S., M.S., University of Missouri; Ph.D. , University of California, Los Angeles . LLOYD E. KWAST Associate Professor of Missions, 1972 Diploma, Grand Rapids Bible College; B.A. , California Baptist Theological Seminary ; B.D., M.R.E., American Baptist Seminary of the West; M.A ., D.Miss ., Fuller Theologi­ cal Seminary. E. STANLEY LEONARD Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1966 B.A., Th .B., Fort Wayne Bible College, M.R.E., Biblical Seminary, M.A., New York University. VERN LEWIS Professor of Psychology, 1965-'69 , 1971 B.A., Biola College ; M.A., California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. ROBERT S. LIVINGSTON Professor of Business Administration, 1967 B.A. , Stanford University ; M.B.A. , Harvard Graduate School of Business Adminis­ tration. WILLIAM LOCK Associate Professor of Music , 1964 A.R.C.T., Royal Conservatory of Music, B.M. , M.M ., MacPhail College of Music; D.M.A., University of Southern California. GRANT LOGAN Assistant Professor of Art , 1969 B.F .A., M.F.A ., University of Arizona. FRANCES YU-MEI YU LU Professor of Mathematics, 1967 B.S., Yenching University , Peiping, China; M.S. , Ph .D. , Ohio State University. RAYMOND LUTKE Associate Professor of Music, 1970 B.S.M., Grace Bible Institute; B.M.E., M.M .E. , Bradley University . HOWARD LYON

Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1971 B.A., M.A., California State University, Long Beach. JANET MAYER Serials Librarian , Instructor , 1973 B.A., Biola College ; M.S ., Californ ia State University, Fullerton.


COLIN S. McDOUGALL Associate Professor of English , 1964 B.S ., North Central College ; M.A., California State University , Fullerton. INEZ McGAHEY Professor of English, 1948 Diploma , The Bible Institute of Los Angeles ; B.A. , Wheaton College . M.A. , California State University, Los Angeles . RICHARD McNEELY Professor of Biblical Studies , 1960 B.A. , Westmont College; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. CURTIS C. MITCHELL Associate Professor of Biblical Studies , 1966 B.A. , Biola College; B.D., Talbot Theological Seminary. Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary ; Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary . GERALD E. MONTGOMERY Assistant Professor of Greek , 1970 B.A. , Biola College; B.D. , Th.M., Talbot Theological Seminary. ROBERT MOROSCO Assistant Professor of Bible, 1974 B.A. , Biola College ; M.Div. , Talbot Theol ogical Seminary ; Candidate, Th.D ., Fuller Theological Seminary. J. VINCENT MORRIS Student Affairs Administrator , Dean of Students , Associate Professor of Greek , 1971 B.A. , Westmont College ; Th .M. , Dallas Theological Seminary ; M.A ., Ed.D. , Arizona State University. ELIZABETH L. NEUMANN Associate Professor of Nursing , 1972 B.A., Wheaton College; R.N. ,M.N. , Case Western Reserve University School of Nursing; M.S., University of California, Los Angeles. GEORGE M. NISHIDA Associate Professor of Sociology, 1964 B.A. , Pasadena College ; M.A., California State University , Los Angeles ; M.A. , Ph.D. , University of California , Riverside . RICHARD NOLLMEYER Associate Professor of Social Science , 1970 B.S. , M.D., Northwestern University; J .D. , University of Montana . EDWARD H. NORMAN Academic Administrator, Professor of Physical Education, 1962 B.S., Springfield College ; M.A. , Ball State University ; Ed.D., University of Southern California. ELIZABETH G . NORMAN

Associate Professor of Physical Education , 1962 B.S. , Taylor University ; M.A., Ball State University . MATTHEW C. ORR Lecturer in Physical Education, 1973 B.A., Biola College .



Instructor of Biology, 1970 B.A. , Westmont College; M.S., University of Nebraska; Candidate Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara. · DAYID PETERS Assistant Professor of Political Science, 1966 B.A., M.A., University of Oklahoma. PAULL. POELSTRA Associate Professor of Psychology, 1963 B.A., Biota College; M.A., Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. BENJAMIN POWELL Assistant Professor of Business Administration, 1970 B.S., University of Wyoming; M.B.A., University of Southern California; Ph.D., New York University. ETHEL RANKIN Associate Professor of History, 1969 B.A., California State University, Los Angeles; M.A., Claremont Graduate School. JAMES RYNO Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1970 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.S ., University of Illinois; Ph.D., University of California, Riverside. CHARLES J. SARVER Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1966 B.A., University of California; M.A., California State University, Long Beach. LOWELL SAUNDERS Professor of Communications, 1971 B.A., Wheaton College; B.D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Univer­ sity of Illinoi s. JACK SCHWARZ Associate Profe~sor of Music, 1965 B.A., Biota College; M.M., Candidate D.M., University of Southern California. C. DIANE SHANEBECK Associate Professor of Communications, 1967 B.A., Asbury College; M.A., California State University, Long Beach. WILLIAM D. SHANEBECK Associate Professor of English, 1962 B.A., Asbury College; M.A., University of Michigan. JOHN H. SLOAN Instructor in Physical Education, 1972 B.A., LeTourneau College; M.S., University of Wyoming. LEONIE V. SOUBIROU Professor of Nursing, 1964 Diploma, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; R.N., Emmanuel Hospital; B.A., Albany College; P.H.N., University of Oregon Medical School; M.S., New York University; D.Sci., Biota College.



Professor of Music, 1968 B.M., M.M. , D.M .A., American Conservatory of Music. ROBERT L. STEPHENS Professor of Biology, 1973 B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Florida.


Professor of Greek , 1953 B.A., Westmont College; B.D., Th.M., Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary. S. PHILIP SUTHERLAND Professor of Psychology, 1964 B.A., Bio la College, Pasadena College; Ph.D., University of Southern California. CONNIE THRONEBERRY Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 1968 B.A ., Biola College; M.A., California State University, Long Beach. EDWARD THURBER Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1970 B.S., Princeton University; M.A., Ph.D. , University of Southern California. RICHARD UNFREID Associate Professor of Music, 1960 B.M ., M.M ., University of Southern California. BOBBIE JEAN VALENTINE Associate Professor of Communications, 1971 B.A., Asbury College; M.A., University of Michigan WILMAR 0. WALL Assistant Professor of Music, 1967 B.S.M ., Grace Bible Institute ; B.M.E. , M.M. , University of Nebraska. KEITH WEATHERS Assistant Professor of Music , 1967-68, 1971 B.M., Wheaton College; M.M., University of Southern California. DUANE L. WETZLER Professor of Language, 1962 B.A., University of California, Berkeley; M.A., California State University, San Diego; Ph.D., Tulane University. LOREN GLENN WIEBE Associate Professor of Music, 1965 B.M.Ed., M.M.Ed., Willamette University. ELDA WILMOT Associate Professor of Spanish, I 968 B.A. , M.A. , Ph.D. , University of Southern California. JENNIE KUK-YING WONG Professor of Music, 1964 L.R.S.M., Royal Schools of Music; F.T.C.L., L.T.C.L., Trinity College of Music; L.T.S.C., Tonic Sol-Fa College of Music.


H. NORMAN WRIGHT Associate Profe ssor of Psychology , 1967 B.A. , Westmont College; M.R.E. , Fuller Theological Seminary; M.A., Pepperdine University. DAVIDE. YOUNG Associate Dean of Students, Assistant Professor of History, 1971 B.A., Biola College; M.A., Arizona State University; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Seminary. FRANK ZAMORA Associate Professor of Art, 1966 B.S., M.A ., Bob Jones University; M.F.A ., Claremont Graduate School.


GENEVIEVE ANDERSON Music B.A. , California State University, Long Beach ; Candidate M.M ., University of Southern California. JAMES BORROR Bible B.A., Bob Jones University; Th.M., Th.D. , Dall as Theological Seminary. ROSS CAREY French B.A., Grace Bible College.


B.A., Biola College.


Christian Education B.A., Biota College; M.R.E., Talbot Theological Seminary. MONTGOMERY GRUTZMAKER Music B.A., California State University , Los Angeles ; M.M., University of Southern California. BURTON HATCH Bible B.A., Biola College; M.A., Columbia University . GORDON HOOKER Music D.S.M., Biota College


MARTHA HOOKER Christian Education B.A., Los Angeles Baptist Seminary; Litt.D., Biola College.


Christian Education B.A., Bio la College; M.R.E ., Talbot Theological Seminary.

ROBERT KARMAN Psychology B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

STELLA KIM Library B.A., National Taiwan University ; M.A.L.S., George Peabody College.


Christian Education B.A., Biola College; M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary.


Anthropology and Linguistics B.A., Wheaton College; B.D., Ashland Theological Seminary; Ph.D ., Hartford Seminary Foundation. MARGUERITE KRAFT Linguistics and Anthropology B.S,, Wheaton College; M.A., Hartford Seminary Foundation, LASZLO LAK Music Diploma, Sherwood Music School; B.M. , Chicago Conservatory College; M.A., Univer­ sity of California, Santa Barbara. WILLIAM D. LAWRENCE Philosophy B.A., Westmont College; B.D., Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.A., Pasadena College; Th.M., California Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D., Northern Baptist Seminary. DONNA LEONARD Christian Education B.A., B.S ., Fort Wayne Bible College; M.R.E., Talbot Theological Seminary. R. DAYID LEWIS Music B.A., M.A., California State University, Los Angeles. JACK LITTLE Accounting B.S., Florida Southern College. MARILYN McGINNIS Christian Education B.A., Seattle Pacific College; M.R.E., Talbot Theological Seminary.


BEYERLY NEISIUS Music B.M., University of Cincinnati Conservatory of Music; M.M., University of Southern California. ·

MARGARET NOBLE Nursing R.N., Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital; B.S., Wheaton College.' RENEE NOLES Counselor B.S., Wheaton College; M.S., University of Southern California. EUGENE NOLLER Art B.A., California State University, Los Angeles. Psychology B.S., Oklahoma University; M.D., George Washington Medical School. IVAN SCHULER Basketball B.A., M.A., California State University, Long Beach. CARL H. SWENSON Journalism B.A., California State University, San Jose. DOUGLAS SHANNEP Communications B.A., California State University, Fullerton. DONALD SHOEMAKER Bible B.A., Grace College; M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary. ELEANOR WHIPPLE Sociology B.A., M.S.W., University of Washington PATTY JO WILSHIRE Nursing B.S., University of Maryland. REX ROOK


Business Administration Certified Public Accountant


FACULTY WITH COURTESY APPOINTMENTS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NURSING MARY BOOHER, R.N. Staff Nurse, Orange County Community Mental Health Services , Team V. TONY DI EUGENIO, R.N. Staff Nurse II , Orange County Community Mental Health Services, Methadone Clinic. DOROTHY GAAL, R.N ., B.S. , District Supervisor , South East Los Angeles , Visiting Nursing Association of Los Angeles , Inc. SHIRLEY GRUBER, Ph.D. , Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing; Training Division, County of Orange, Community Mental Health Services. MARGUERITE HARMELING, R.N. , M.S., Associate Professor of Nursing ; Educational Director of the Bureau of Public Health Nursing of Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. BARBARA HUBBARD, R.N. , B.S., Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing; Senior Public Health Nurse , County of Los Angeles, Department of Mental Health. JOSEPHINE ISENBERG , M.S.W., Supervisor, State of California Mental Health Depart­ ment Community Services Section. MRS. KELLER, M.S.W. , State of California Mental Health Department Community Services Section. JULY KELLER, R.N. , Regional Mental Health Nurse Orange County Community Mental Health Services Team II. GRACE KJTAOKA, R.N. , B.S ., Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing ; Public Health Nurse Director for San Antonio District of the County of Los Angeles , Department of Public Health, Bureau of Public Health Nursing. MARGARET LANE, R.N. , M.P .H. Mental Health Education Consu ltant Orange County Community Mental Health Services Consultation and Education. JUDY MARTOIS , R.N. , M.S. , Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing; Consultant, County of Los Angeles , Department of Mental Health. SHIRLEY MITSUNAGA, R .N., B.S., Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing; Senior Public Health Nurse, Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. E. MANSELL PATTISON , Ph.D. , Associate Professor of Nursing ; Director of Training Programs and Deputy Director of Orange County, Community Mental He alth Services. JULY THOMPSON , R.N. , Staff Nurse II , Orange County Community Mental Health Services Team I. FLORENCE TORKE, R.N., M.S ., Assistant Director and Acting Educational Director , Visiting Nurse Association of Los Angeles , Inc. ELLIS WAYNE, Ph.D. , Assistant Clinical Professor of Nursing; Training Division , County of Orange , Community Mental Health Services.



ACADEMIC POLICIES: R. Crawford , J. Henry, Kurt z, McGahey, McNeely, Sturz. ex officio: Arthur , Bynum , Ed No1man ACADEMIC STANDARDS: Fisher , W. Carden, Hart, Morris, Sunukjian , Young CURRICULUM: W. Carden , Ch ri stian, Doland , Fisher , Gooden , Iwata , Lewis FACULTY WELFARE: Kurtaneck , Kuld, Nishida , O'Neal, Rankin , Unfreid LIBRARY: Gooden , Bamattre , Bundy , Hammond , Payne , Thurber NURSING EDUCATION: Soubirou , A. Carden, Hart, Poelstra, Stephens, Sturz PROFESSIONAL IMPROVEMENT: Bynum , Hanson, Jones , Leonard, Lyon , Throneberry SCHOLARSHIP: Galley , W. Carden, Fleeger , Morris, B. Norman , Schwarz, W. Shane beck , Young SPIRITUAL LIFE AND CHAPEL: Hafer, Cook, Gilman, Mitchell, Nollmeyer, Weathers STUDENT PERSONNEL AND GUIDANCE: Morris , Alvandi , Hart , Fox , Montgomery , Young TEACHER EDUCATION: Jones, Arthur, Braun, E. Ca rden, D. Henry, Wetzler, Wiebe


BUDGET: Arthur , Bynum , Gooden, Morris , Norman RESEARCH: Morris, Fisher

-1 8-


PUBLICATIONS BOARD: Kwast , Morris, Sarver , Saunders PUBLIC EVENTS BOARD: Flory, Livingston , Logan, Schwarz, Valentine, Young


UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES: Carmona, E. Carden, Lu, McNeely, D. Shanebeck , P. Sutherland ex officio: W. Carden, Gooden OVERSEAS STUDY: R. Buss , Bass , W. Carden, Lewis, Young


General Information


Biola College is accredited by the following agencies:

Western Association of Schools and Colleges; American Association of Bible Colleges; National Association of Schools of Music; State of California Board of Nursing Education and Nurse Registration ; National League for Nursing; State of California Department of Education. Biola College is authorized to train students under the Veteran's Bill of Rights. In addition, the college is affiliated with a number of professional organizations, of which the following are representative: American Anthropological Association; American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers ; American Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; American Council on Education; American Guild of Organists; American Library Association; Association of College Admissions Counselors; Associated Collegiate Press; Association of College Unions International ; Association of Higher Education; Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities; California Associa­ tion of Christian Schools; California Association of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; California College and University Faculty Association; California Council on Teacher Education; California Teachers' Association; Choral Conductors' Guild (California); College Entrance Examination Board ; Intercollegiate Press; Music Educators' National Conference; National Collegiate Athletic Association; National Commission on Accrediting; National Education Association; Natiorial Association of Intercollegiate Athletics; Western Council on Higher Education for Nursing ; and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education . EDUCATIONAL DISTINCTIVES Biola College is a Christian institution of higher education without any denominational affiliation. The school is committed to Biblical Christianity (within the evangelical Protestant framework) . The college is the outgrowth of an academic and Christian tradition that officially began in 1908. Historically, the institution has been dedicated to the education of men and women for distinctive Christian service. In the earlier years, the curricula were composed primarily of Biblically oriented courses and programs. The school was then known as the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Although a variety of programs was offered through the years, it was not until 1949 that serious development of the arts and sciences began. At that time the undergraduate program became known as Biota College. This institution has since experienced steady growth in both the quality and diversity of its academic offerings . Biola College presently operates under the general corporate title of Biola College, Inc. Because of the college's heritage and commitment, its academic basis is broader than that of the standard college of arts and sciences; and the programs and objectives should be viewed with this in mind. Terminal and preparatory programs lead to service in both church-related vocations and the many other vocations and professions embraced by the present curricula. -20-

THE COMMUNITY OF LA MIRADA The city of La Mirada is in Los Angeles County, twenty-two miles sou theast of down­ town Los Angeles , and is surrounded by such cities as Whittier , Norwalk , Buena Park , La Habra, and Fullerton. La Mirada is a planned residential community with a present population of approximately 32,000 . Included within the vicinity are several major shopping areas in addition to many other business establishments. The city has grown from an olive ranch in 1956 to its present size and status. La Mirada is situated near many of the outstanding attractions of Southern California. Downtown Los Angeles can be reached in a half-hour 's drive from the campus. Disney­ land is twelve miles to the southeast, and famed Knott's Berry Farm is six mil es away . an hour 's drive are such popular beach cities as Long Beach , Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, and Laguna Beach . Recreational facilitie s are easily accessible. An eighteen hole public golf course lies a mile east of the campus, and other parks in the area offer opportunity for activities and relaxa­ tion. An hour's drive will take one into the nearby mountains where winter sports are available. Cultural and research opportunities abound in the area. Several major universities and libraries are easy driving distance of La Mirada including UCLA, the University of Southern California, the University of California-Irvine, and several other state and private institutions. THE BIOLA CAMPUS The campus is bounded on the west by Biola Avenue and on the east by La Mirada Boulevard . It is located between the large east-west thoroughfares of Rosecran s Avenue and Imperial Highway . Approximately three miles to the south js the Santa Ana Freeway. Students coming to the campus by au tomobile should fo ll ow these directions: coming from the northwest, leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Rosecrans and travel east to Biola Avenue ; coming from the southeast, leave the Santa Ana Freeway at Valley View and travel north to Rosecrans, then turn right to Biola Avenue; coming from the east via San Bernardino Freeway (U.S. Highway 60 , 70, 99), turn south on California Highway 39 to Imperial Highway , and right on Imperial to Biola Avenue. Campus buildings include Sutherland Hall , Marshburn Hall , Crowell Hall, and the Science Hall - instructional facilities that house classrooms , laboratories, auditoriums, and offices. Additional campus buildings are the Rose Memorial Library , the cafeteria, the student union, the gymnasium, the Pierce-Hunt Memorial Infirmary , six residence halls , the Rose of Sharon Prayer Chapel , and other structures. The master plan calls for the erection of additional buildings within the next few years. On the eastern side of the campus lie the athletic fields. Included are a crushed brick quarter mile track, an excellent baseball diamond , and tennis courts. Additional recrea­ tional facilities, including a swimming pool , are availab le in the La Mirad a Regional Park, across La Mirada Boulevard from the campus. THE NATURE AND STANDARDS OF BIOLA COLLEGE Biola College serves a broad spectrum of evangelical churches among which there are differences of opinion as to what practices are acceptable for Christians. A student of Biola College is expected to conduct himself according to the highest Christian standards of honesty, integrity , responsibility and love toward his brethren in Christ. In harmony with the principles of Romans 14, I Corinthians 10 and 13 and II Corinthians 6, the rule


by which he lives is the conscious striving for God 's approval and the conscious protec­ tion of his Christian testimony. Biol a is for earnest Christians who are sensitive to the many principles of Christian living that are found in the Bible. The college also imposes certain specific guidelines for the conduct of faculty, staff and students. Although such man-made regulations cannot im­ prove upon our standing in Christ , they can strengthen the life and testimony of both the individual and the college. To this end, Biola expects its faculty, staff and students to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, and from gambling and dancing . Further, Bio la deplores the morally degrading elements that are now found in virtually all forms of the theatre, the entertainment media, and literature; Biolans are ex­ pected to abstain from all aspects of such that morally degrade. Biola College does not presume to be a censoring agency for all activities; it does, however , expect tangible evidence of maturing Christian convictions and discerning judgment. Biola reserves the right to dismiss a student who , in its judgment , does not conform either to the stated regulations governing student conduct or to the expressed principles , policies , and programs of the college. Inasmuch as the College is interdenominational and yet theologically conservative, the Articles of Incorporation contain a doctrinal statement, an abridgement of which is given below: "The Bible, consisting of all the books of the Old and New Testaments , is the Word of God , a supernaturally given revelation without error or misstatement in moral and spiritual teachings and record of historical facts. "There is one God , eternally existing and manifesting Himself to us in three Persons : Father, Son , and Holy Ghost. "Our Lord Jesus Christ was supernaturally conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit , born of a virgin, lived and taught and wrought mighty works and wonders and signs ex­ actly as recorded in the four Gospels, was put to death by crucifixion under Pontius Pilate, was raised from the dead in the body that had been nailed to the cross, now sits at the Father's right hand from whence He is coming again personally , bodily, and visibly to this earth to inaugurate His millennial reign. In His pre-existent state He was with God, and of His own choice laid aside His divine glory and took upon Himself the form of a servant and was made in the likene ss of men. He became in every respect a real man , possessed of all the essential characteristics of human nature. By Hi s death upon the cross, the Lord Jesus Christ made a perfect atonement for sin, redeeming us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse in our place. "The Holy Spirit is a Person , is God, and is possessed of all the distinctively divine attributes; He indwells all believers, having baptized them into the body of Christ at the time of regeneration. " Man was created in the image of God , but the whole human race fell in the sin of the first Adam, and apart from Christ is spiritually dead and lost. Men are justified on the simple and single ground of the shed blood of Christ and upon the simple and single con­ dition of faith in Him who shed the blood , and are born again by the Holy Spirit , through the instrumentality of the Word of God. All those who receive Je sus Christ as their Saviour and their Lord , and who confess Him as such before their fellow men be­ come heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ; and at death their spirits depart to be with Christ in conscious blessedness ; and at the second coming of Christ their bodies shall be raised and transformed into the likeness of the body of His glory. All those who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life shall be raised from the dead and and throughout eternity exist in a state of conscious and endless torment.


"The Church consists of all those who , in this present dispensation , truly believe on Jesus Christ and is the body and bride of Christ, which Christ loves and for which I-le has given Himself. "There is a personal devil , a being of great cunning who can exert vast power only so far as God suffers him to do so, and who shall ult imately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone ." THE OBJECTIVES OF THE COLLEGE Academic Objectives: The College seeks to provide thorough training and sound scholar­ ship in all the areas provided in its curriculum. It further seeks to create in the students a thirst for knowledge and to teach effective methods of investigation whereby such knowledge may be obtained during the course of study and in the years following their formal period of training. Civic Objectives: The College holds to the conviction that the good Christian is likewise a good citizen of the State. It teaches , both by precept and example, that good citizens respect authority, submit to the laws of the land , and seek constructive change through legal channels. The College encourages the students to participate actively, while in college and throughout life, in the development of the general welfare of their fellowmen, both in community and national life. It further seeks to instill a genuine concern for the general welfare of mankind the world around. Cultural Objectives: The College seeks to provide students with a wholesome cultural program which will inculcate an appreciation for the finer things of life as expressed in the fine arts, literature, history, and the civi lizations of peoples and nations both past and present. Social Objectives: The College seeks to provide the students with a well-rounded soc ial program that will develop personality and fit them in a normal and wholesome manner to take their places in the home , local church, and community. The program is further de­ signed to develop and maintain high moral standards in the lives of the students, for their own benefit and in order that they might serve as wholesome examples and leaders wherever they may live and work. Spiritual Objectives: The College aims to send forth men and women who express through their lives a complete and valid commitment to the claims of Christ; a compre­ hensive knowledge of the Word of God, with ability to use it in all walks of life in leading men to Christ and, with wisdom , to teach it to believers that they may grow in grace; and an enduement with power by the infilling of the Holy Spirit , expressing itself in Chris­ tian love for all men and a desire for their salvation. Vocational roid Professional Objectives: The College seeks to provide thorough prepar­ atory training in those areas of its curriculum in which students may desire to pursue graduate work leading to a profession. It seeks also to provide adequate terminal training in those areas of its curriculum which are designed to prepare students for their life work. BOOK STORE The College Bookstore is open six days and two evenings a week to supply all required textbooks, as well as non-required books. Students will find a large selection of cards, stationery, gift items , records and music, school and art supplies, plus items for personal needs. Bibles in a variety of styles and bindings are available. Special services to students include ordering any books in print and imprinting Bibles.


THE LIBRARY The Biola Library is under a unified administration and serves the undergraduate and graduate levels of Biola College, Inc. The Rose Memorial Library Building was expanded in I 969 by a three-level addition. This triples the ultimate capacity besides providing four conference rooms , an additional reading room for those students engaged in Biblical studies, and ample space for periodical holdings. The periodical subscriptions include 800 titles currently being received . Other holdings include over 105,000 volumes of books and bound periodicals. Auxiliary collections contain pamphlet files and curriculum teaching units for the Education and Christian Education Departments. The main public catalog and other files contain approximate ly 280,000 cards. An SCM copy machine is accessible to students. The library has microfiche, microfilm, and microcard readers. Visual materials are available for student use from the A-V center. In addition , there are listening centers for language studies and other taped instruction. Students have access to the several million volumes in the libraries of a dozen colleges , universities, and seminaries in the Greater Los Angeles area. The staff consists of four professional librarians, eight full-time assistants , and a number of part-time and student assistants. AUDIO-VISUAL DEPARTMENT The Audio-visual Department services the equipment and non-book instructional needs of the Academic Division of the college. Equipment and instructional materials are in the A-V Department in the Rose Memorial Libra_ry. The collection of material includes 16mm motion pictures, 8mm motion pictures and film clips, 35mm filmstrips , Audio Tape Recordings, Video Tape Recordings , Disc Records , Overhead Transparencies , Slides and other types of Educational Media. Appropriate equipment is available for large group, small group, or individual study of the instructional materials. Production of slides, filmstrips , thermal , diazo , or photographic transparencies , instant duplicating and copy services are available to the faculty. Other specialized production services can often be arranged upon request.


Admission, Registration, and Graduation Requirements

Admission to Biola College is on a selective basis, and only those are admitted who are most likely to profit from Biola College's educational program and its distinctively Christian emphasis. Because it is the purpose of Biola College to train Christian young people, the applicant should have been a Christian for at least one year. Biola College has a strongly evangelical Christian commitment and requires that an accepted applicant be an evangelical believer. However, no discrimination with reference to racial or national background is practiced in the admission policies. Biola College welcomes all applicants regardless of racial or national origin who are personally commit­ ted to faith in Christ. Students who are interested in attending Biola College should request application forms from the Dean of Admissions. Visits to the campus are encouraged. It is advisable to write or phone the admissions office in advance to arrange an appointment if a conference is desired. Because enrollment is limited and admission is on a selective basis , application should be made as early as possible. Decisions are made only on completed applications. Generally no applications made after July 31 will be considered for the fall semester, nor after December 31 for the spring semester .

Admission to the college does not guarantee admission to the Nursing or Music programs.

High School Record

An applicant for regular standing must be a graduate of an accredited high school with a scholastic record (including SAT scores) which indicates ability to pursue successfully higher education. The applicant must have sixteen acceptable high school units, twelve of which should be spread over the academic areas of English, social studies, mathematics , science (including a laboratory science), foreign language, and related areas. Prospective students interested in the nursing program must take chemistry in high school. Applicants are urged to have at least two years in one foreign language in high school. Those with no foreign language in high school or wishing to begin a new language in college to meet the general education requirement, must take twelve units (3 semesters) of a foreign language for most majors. Catalog information regarding each major will indicate any exceptions to this rule . Applicants entering with high school deficiencies will be admitted to provisional standing until the deficiencies have been removed. Credits earned to cover a high school deficiency cannot be applied towards graduation from college. Transfers with sufficient acceptable units to be classified as juniors will be considered as having no high school deficiencies.


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