
GERALD L. GOODEN Directo r of the Library , Associ ate Professor , 1962 Diploma , Moody Bible Institute ; B.A., Marshall University ; M.L.S., University of California , Los Ange les. PHILIP A. GREBE Instructor in Art , 1973 B.A., Baylor University ; M.A., Stephen F. Austin University . RONALD HAFER Director of Student Ministries , Instructor , 1966 B.A. , Biola College. DAYID L. HAMMOND Professor of Education , 1962 B.S., Bob Jones University; M.A., Arizona State University ; Ed.D. , University of Southern California. DELBERT J. HANSON Associate Professor of Philosophy , 1966 B.A. , M.A. , Wheaton College ; M.A. , University of Southern Californi a MARGARET J. HART Dean of Women, Associate Professor , 1959 Diploma, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles; B.A., University of California, Los Angeles ; M.R.E. , Fuller Theological Seminary. DORIS HASLAM Assistant Instructor of Nursing, 197 I Diploma , Prairie Bible Institute ; R.N. , B.S. , University of Alberta. DORCAS HENRY Assistant Professor of Physical Education , 197 1 B.S. , Marion College ; M.A., Ball State University JAMES 0. HENRY Professor of History, 1953 Th.B., The Bible Institute of Los Angeles ; B.A. , Westmont College ; B.A., M.A. , University of Southern California ; Ph .D., University of Maryland. MASAKAZU rw ATA Professor of History, 1961 B.A. , M.A., Ph .D., University of Californi a, Los Angeles. JUDITH JENSEN Instructor in Nursing , 1973 B.S., California State University , Los Angeles ; M.S., Loma Linda University. RICHARD JONES Professor of Education , 1963 B.A. , Wheaton College; B.D., Fuller Theological Seminary ; M.A., California State University , Los Ange les; Ed .D., University of California , Los Angeles. LET A A. JULANDER Associate Professor of Nursing , 1968 R.N. , St. Luke's Hospital, Bellingham; B.S., University of Washington; M.N., Univer­ sity of California , Los Angeles.

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