

patient care , coordinates health services, teaches, plans community health , does research to continue exploring ways of improving nursing knowledge and abilities, and who can explain and use principles from physical and behaviorial sciences and nursing theory to support nursing actions. To prepare for these roles, the student has the opportunity to learn in the capacity of an independent practitioner (under guidance of his professors), a team member , a team leade r, a teacher, a counselor , and as an observer, in diverse settings, such as hospitals , clinics , community health centers , community mental health centers , convalescent centers, pub­ lic schools, private homes and families and neighborhood health centers. Throughout the program the curriculum allows the student to have experience in areas and agencies of deprived, middle class, and affluent sections of two counties in Southern California. The faculty believes that baccalaureate nursing education rests upon a broad liberal arts education and scientific principles, and that the professional primary emphasis in nursing builds upon , incorporates, and extends previous learnings from these bases. The faculty also believes that in the process of nursing education, the student needs to develop behaviors in the area of problem-solving , critical thinking, creative thinking, verbal and written communication, interpersonal relationships and conation. The student also needs to develop ideals which grow out of his Christian faith. Thus the Conceptual Framework within which the nursing and non-nursing courses have been organized continues with the unifying concept of " nursing as process" in helping man to achieve his highest level of wellness or health. This health includes the physical , cognitive, emotional, socio-cultural, and spiritual as pects. The nurse must make diagnoses, determine goals, formulate plans o f intervention , implement those plans , and be able to evaluate the consequences. Objectives: The five-year Baccalaureate Program in Nursing Education has the following objectives: 1. A carefully planned curriculum designed to afford the student a balance of learning in the areas of general knowledge , Christian ethics , and professional nursing education. 2. Carefully selected experiences to show relationship between the theoretical and laboratory experiences, which include the individual and group conferences to assist and guide the student, resulting in (a) the stimulation of independent thinking; (b) the development of problem-so lving and other essential skills; (c) an increased depth and breadth in understanding the inter-relationship of knowledge and its application; and (d) the encouragement of intellectual, spiritual , and professional growth and commitment. 3. The graduation of a competent professional nurse with the following expectations: (a) Practice beginning professional abilities in nursing as evidenced by a thorough assessment o f pati ent variables leading to nursing diagnosis; by establishing goals; by planning and implementing, nursing act ions individualized to the patient; and by evaluating nur si ng care. (b) Explain and use principles from physical and behavioral sciences and nursin g theory to support nursing ac tions . (c) Demonstrate in practice the knowledge of the unique role of the Christian nurse in meeting physical, cognitive, emotional , social, and spiritual needs. (d) Apply social science principles in the adaptation of nursing and leadership behaviors for meeting the health needs of people in different environments and cultures, and as offering innovative leadership in meeting future health needs and social change .


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