

(e) Demonstrate ability to perform psychomotor behaviors necessary to give care to the patient based on scientific principles. (f) Identify issues that affect nursing and other constructive approaches for upgrad­ ing professional nursing. (g) Function in a leadership role in organizing direct patient care and supervising nursing care. (h) Perform as a contributing member or as coordinator of the health team. (i) Continue exploration to improve his nursing knowledge and abilities. SPECIAL NOTE: Admission Requirements: In addition to meeting the requirements for college admission, before a student may be admitted to the School of Nursing, he must have (1) completed 60 units of pre-nursing courses, including Chemistry 103, Biological Science 221 (Micro­ biology) and 204 (Anatomy and Physiology), with a GPA of 2.0 or above; (2) passed re­ quired physical examinations, including immunizations; and (3) been approved by the faculty of the Department of Nursing. Application forms (for admission into the clinical program) may be obtained through the department office and must be on file by March 15 for the Fall Semester (and October 15 for the spring semester for transfer students). Clinical Requirements: Students are requ ired to have certain immunizations and must meet health standards as determined by the faculty in cooperation with the affiliating age ncies and the director of Student Health Services. Each student must maintain a health and accident po licy and have malpractice insurance in force equivalent to coverage avail­ ab le through the college when participating in clinical courses. The college and co­ operating agencies assume no responsibility for illness or accidents occurring during the school program. Transportation is provided at a nomina l fee and required of all students during the first two years of clinical experience . Seniors are required to have access to personal transportation for assignments to hosp itals and agencies. Clinical courses require three hours of laboratory for each unit of credit. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a nursing major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a college language. Nursing majors are exempt from the general education requirements of three units of literature and six units of world civilization. Department major: Biological Science 204, 221; Chemistry I03 ; Nursing 300, 30 I, 302, 401, 402, 410, 420 , and 430. Supporting courses: Anthropology 301 or 303; Psychology 206 and 309; and three units of Sociology chosen from 320,335 , or 360. 300 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR NURSING - LECTURE (3) The philosophy of nursing including man, the health consumer, seen as a unique indivi­ dual, deserving of meaningful relationships with others; the nature of nursing , the nursing process, interpersonal relationships, professional nursing, independent and dependent nursing functions , ethics, a beginning understanding of legal aspects, interviewing , and communications skills. 301 ADULT NURSING I - LECTURE (5) The healthy family including the importance of nutrition , environment, sensory stimula­ tion, and life style in maintaining health. A beginning focus on the illness portion of the health-illness cycle; an introduction to the nurse's role as a change agent as he intervenes toward the return to health, adaptation to a new level of function , or peaceful death .


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