420 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSING - LECTURE (4) Health and illness needs in the area of cognitive, emotional and spiritual variables and the interrelationship of physical and socio-cultural variables. Focus on Mental Health and Psych iatric Nursing, including Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention and Epidem iology. The stude nt looks at se lf as an effective change agent, and at the behavioral con cepts in relation to his own mental he alth. Individuals, families , and communities as related to mental health. Various theoretical and treatment modalities including Bib li cal concepts identified and util ized. Prerequisite: 402 o r acceptab le equivalent. 420 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH NURSING - LABORATORY (6) Theory and concurrent laboratory experience in clinical facilities for the promotion of mental health , prevention of mental illness, nurturing , curative and rehabilitative aspects of nursing with Nutrition and Pharmacology integrated throughout. The one-to-one relat ionsh ip , group, and other therapeutic approaches analyzed and utilized . Develop ment of beginning ski ll s in assessment of community mental health problems and in problem solving . Eighteen hours laboratory. Fee $10.00. 430 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING - LECTURE (4) Heal th and illness in the community as related to Primary , Secondary, and Tertiary Prevention and Epidemio logy including nursing intervent ion and assessment of individuals and families. The app licat ion of the philosophy and sco pe of family-community health based on a study of fami li es from cultures different from that of the student ; hard co re multiproblem families, the culture of poverty, families with communi cable diseases , MCH families and others; patterns of health and disease of community and preventive and con tro l measure , health educat ion, rehabilitation, and re late d prob lems. Prerequisite: 402 or accep table equiva lent. 430 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING - LABORATORY (6) Theory and concurrent laboratory experience in community fac jlities, applying the nursing process in the health care system and in identifying and car ing for those in health and illness with Nutrit ion and Pharmacology integrated. Public Health Agenc ies and Visiting Nurse Association with individual and group p rojects, including health educa tion, community assessment of public health problems and soluti ons. Eigh teen hours laboratory. Fee $ 10.00.
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