
Department of Physical Education, Recreation, and Athletics Professor: E. Norman (chairman) Associate Professors: Lyon , McDougall, B. Norman, Sarver Assistant Professor: D. Henry, Throneberry Instructor: Sloan Lecturer: Orr Objectives: The objectives of the Physical Education program are (I) to teach sports skills; (2) to teach the necessity for and the techniques of physical fitness; (3) to provide wholesome recreational activities and intramural sports; (4) to conduct intercollegiate athletics; and (5) to provide a major and a minor in physical education and a minor in coaching. The student may choose a Physical Education major with an emphasis in camp­ ing or a minor with a coaching emphasis . Each student is required to complete four semesters of phys ical education if under twenty-one at the time of entrance. P.E. 100 Orientation is requ ired of all students and is foundational for all other physical education act ivity cou rses. Transfer students who have upon entrance in to Biola College completed at least two semesters of physical eel uca­ tion are exempt from P .E. I00. No activity may be taken more than twice for gen eral education purposes. Credit for varsity sports may be substituted for regularly scheclulecl physical education classes. In addition to the four semesters of physical education activi­ ties required for general education , the student may complete four more semesters for credit (a maximum of eight) for graduation. Students studying for the multipl e subject teaching credent ial but not se lecting Physical Education as a minor area of concentration, should select PE 201 and three other Phy­ sical Education activity classes. Department Major: 36 units, 28 of which must be upper division, including skills activity courses. A candidate for the Physical Education major must demonstrate acceptable physical qualifications and abilities. Included in the 36 units requirement will be 8 units of skills activity for men and 6 units for women. These units will be in addition to the four semester general educa tio n requirement. In addition. the following courses must be completed: 300,301,302,305,400 , 406 , 418. Men will take 404 and select any three from 310, 3 I I , 3 I 2, 313 , 314. Women will take 309, 320 , 32 I, 322, 324. Biology 232 is required as a supporting course for all Physical Education majors. Physical Education Major with a Camp ing emphasis: 32 units, I 8 of which must be upper division ; including 140, 8 units from 220,230,240,409 , 410, 41 I , 412,417, and 418. Psychology 301 ; Communications 405; and Science 152 or PE 404 ; 210 is a pre­ major requirement. Students fo ll owing this campi ng emphasis must make application before the second semester of Junior year. Enrollment in the major is limited.

Note: It is imperative that students desiring to secure a Bachelor's degree in the field of Physical Education plan their course with their major professor.


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