

Department Minors: I8 units , of which 12 must be upper division. The Physical Educa­ tion minor is designed for those students particularly interested in a second area of teach­ ing competence, and for those interested in empl oying organized sports and games in camp and church programs . The following courses are suggested for the minor: 301 or 302, 304 , 305 , 400 and any two of the courses numbered 310-317 for men or 320-324 fo r women. The Coaching minor is designed for students primarily interested in coaching in a formal school setting. The following courses are suggested: 301 or 302 , 305,308 or 309, and two of the courses numbered 3 10-314 for men or 320-324 for women. Courses are open to both men and women except when otherwise indicated by "men" or "women" following the course title . 100 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ORIENTATION (1) Required of all entering students. Orientation to Physical Education; its place , purpose , and importance to the individual ; inst ruction and laborat ory experiences in physical fitness with discussion of tot al fitness ; guidance in the selection of subsequent activity classes . 110 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (1) Fundamental techniques of individual sk ill s, basic strategy and rul es. Archery and bad ­ minton , bowling, cond iti oning, go lf, basketball , tennis , tumbling and gymn astics, volley­ bal I. May be repeated. 118 VARSITY ATHLETICS (1) Reserved for inte rco ll egiate ath letic teams. Enro llment during the registra ti on period necessa ry. 120 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES- Women (1) Fundamental techniques of ind ividual skill s, basic stra tegy and rules. F ie ld hockey, soft­ bal l and track , slimnastics, field sports. May be repeated. 130 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES- Men (1) Fundamenta l techniques of individual ski ll s, bas ic st ra tegy and rules. Flag foo tball , socce r , softball , track and field , wrest ling, body building. May be repeated. 132 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (1) Individ ual program of activities to meet the phys ical development needs of a st udent. 133 GAMES AND RHYTHMIC ACTIVITIES (1) Games of low to high o rgani zat ion for grades K through 12. Basic rhythmical activities with emphasis on development of basic motor sk ill s. 140 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES-AQUATICS (1) Fund amental and advanced te ch nique s of individua l sk ill s. Life saving, swimming, water safety in struct ion. Prerequisit e: Valid ARC senior Life Saving Cer tifi cate or equivalent. May be repeated . 150 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (1) Advanced ski ll s, individual and team st rategy and rules in gymnast ics, go lf, ten ni s, socce r , basketball, volleyball. May be repea ted. 201 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (1) Games , basic rhythmic skills, and physical activities designed for the elementary child; preparation for the upper divi sion professional methods course in the teaching of physical education.


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