

210 INT RODUCTION TO CAMPING (2) History and objectives of camping; overview of field and relationship to home, church , and school; basic camping skills and activities presented and demonstrated. Minimal field experience required . 220 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1) One or more areas of study offered each semester. Deve lopment of fun damen ta! skills in each area; basic safety and emergency procedures. Field taught. Backpacking, bicycling, canoeing/kayaking , cross-country skiing, outdoor survival , rock climbing , sailing, sc uba , wilderness camping. Fee: $ 15.00. 230 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1) One or more areas of study offered each semester. Investigation into theory of skill ; purchase and maintenance of equipment; use of skill in interdisciplinary instruction in camping environment. Field taught. Backpacking, bicycling, canoeing/kayaking, cross­ country skiing, outdoor survival, rock climbing, sailing, scuba, wilderness camping. Pre­ requisite: 220 . Fee $ 15 .00. 240 CAMP EDUCATION SKILLS (1) Intermediate level in the skill and practical experience in its use to camp education. Field taught. Backpacking, bicycling, canoeing/kayaking, cross-country skiing , outdoor survival, rock climbing , sai ling , scuba, wilderness camping. Prerequisite: 230. Fee: $15.00. 300 PERSONAL AND PUBLIC HYGIENE (2) Principles, problems , and practices in a scientific approach to the solution of personal health problems; fundamentals of first aid and safety. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 301 KINESIOLOGY (3) Human movement with emphasis on the structure and function of the skeletal, muscular , and nervous systems, with simple mechanical principles involved in movement skills. Prerequisite: Biological Science 232. Alternate years, offered 1974-75. 302 PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE (3) Immediate and long-range effects of muscular activity on the human organisms. Pre­ requisite: Biological Science 232. Alternate years, offered 1974-75 . 305 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) A historical review of physical education and sports; objectives of physical education; development of a basic philosophy and background for professional education . Alternate years, offered l 974-75. 306 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2) Elementary school physical education procedures including postural and rhythmic exercises, fundamentals of games, techniques covering the simplest primary skills through the more difficult seasonal sports , such as baseball , basketball, football, and volleyball; development of a program of physical education on the elementary school level. Alternate years,offered 1974-75. 308 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Men) (2) Rules, scoring, and mechanics of officiating athletic events; selected activities and practice in actual officiating required. Alternate years, offered 1974-75. 309 SPORTS OFFICIATI NG (Women) (2) Rules, scoring, and mechanics of officiating athletic events; selected activities and practice in actual officiating required. Alternate years, offered 1974-75.


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