PAUL KULD Assistant Professor of Biology , 1969 B.A., M.A. , California State University ,_Long Beach. NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Bib lical Studies , 1959 B.A., Grace College; Th .B., B.D. , Th.M. , Th.D., Grace Theological Seminary . PETER KURTZ Professor of Physics, 1968 B.S., M.S., University of Missouri; Ph.D. , University of California, Los Angeles . LLOYD E. KWAST Associate Professor of Missions, 1972 Diploma, Grand Rapids Bible College; B.A. , California Baptist Theological Seminary ; B.D., M.R.E., American Baptist Seminary of the West; M.A ., D.Miss ., Fuller Theologi cal Seminary. E. STANLEY LEONARD Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1966 B.A., Th .B., Fort Wayne Bible College, M.R.E., Biblical Seminary, M.A., New York University. VERN LEWIS Professor of Psychology, 1965-'69 , 1971 B.A., Biola College ; M.A., California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. ROBERT S. LIVINGSTON Professor of Business Administration, 1967 B.A. , Stanford University ; M.B.A. , Harvard Graduate School of Business Adminis tration. WILLIAM LOCK Associate Professor of Music , 1964 A.R.C.T., Royal Conservatory of Music, B.M. , M.M ., MacPhail College of Music; D.M.A., University of Southern California. GRANT LOGAN Assistant Professor of Art , 1969 B.F .A., M.F.A ., University of Arizona. FRANCES YU-MEI YU LU Professor of Mathematics, 1967 B.S., Yenching University , Peiping, China; M.S. , Ph .D. , Ohio State University. RAYMOND LUTKE Associate Professor of Music, 1970 B.S.M., Grace Bible Institute; B.M.E., M.M .E. , Bradley University . HOWARD LYON
Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1971 B.A., M.A., California State University, Long Beach. JANET MAYER Serials Librarian , Instructor , 1973 B.A., Biola College ; M.S ., Californ ia State University, Fullerton.
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