

404 CARE AND PREVENTION OF ATHLETIC INJURIES (3) Theory and practice of principles and techniques pert aining to athletic conditioning; care of athleti c injuri es . Alternate years , offered 1975-7 6. 405 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Analysis of the principles underlying the physical education program for the handicapped ; survey of specific disabilities and the implications of each for physical education; Alter­ nate years , offered 1975-76. 406 TESTS AND MEASUREMHJTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Lecture , laboratory and field experience in the development , evaluation, and application of tests in health and physical education ; use and interpretation of elementary statistics . Alternate years, offered 1975-7 6. 409 CAMP ADMINISTRATION (1) Application of administra tion and lead ership prin cipl es to camping. Taken concurrentl y with lecture/demonstration sess ions of 400 or in foll owing semes ters. 410 CAMP COUNSEL! NG (2) The objectives of camping; counselor personality and qualifications; the application of counseling techniques to the camping situation ; preparation in various camping activities, crafts , and special program areas particularly related to counselor-centered camping. 411 PHILOSOPHICAL, EDUCATIONAL & PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS (3) Analysis of foundation s of camping esse nti al to the int eg rati on of camp admini strati on and educational ac tiviti es . Evaluati on o f fun cti ons and programs in li ght of int eg rating fa ctors. 412 FIELD WORK (3) Admini strative ex peri ence demonstrating the stud ent ' s ability in integ rating prin cipl es and skill s fr om all areas of stud y . Fi eld experi ence unde r fa cult y and camp staff supe rvi­ sion and evaluati on. 417 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION (1) Application of admini stration and leadership principl es to rec reation. Taken concurrently with 400 or in foll owing semester s. 418 RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP (2) Basic qualifications of the successful leader of recreational groups; aims of a successful program ; techniques of organizing and administering the program. Recommended for youth club leaders and directors , and playground and camp assistants . 470 RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RECREATION, AND CAMPING (1 -3) Independent stud y , readings, and /o r research in the fi eld s. Seni or standing with conse nt and con sultation . Max imum of 6 unit s.


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