305 EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (4) Philosophy, methodology , and analysis of the experimental method. Discussions of prob lems in conducting and evaluating psychological research. Three hours lecture , two hours laboratory. Prerequi site: 210. 306 APPRAISAL OF INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES (4) Evaluation and construction of methods for describing and measuring individual differ ences in intelligence , attitudes, values, perception, and personality organization. Three hours lecture , two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 210. Laboratory fee $5.00. 308 ADVANCED PROBLEMS IN DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (4) Selected topics in the development of cognition , socialization , learning, personality and exceptionality from birth to maturity. Prerequisite: 204. 309 THERAPEUTIC COUNSELING AND ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR (4) Etiology , types, predispositions and stresses that precipitate various behavioral disorders ; modern therapies in current use . Field trips to various treatment centers. Prerequisite: 204. 310 ADVANCED RESEARCH IN LEARNING (4) Empirical findings and theoretical developments in the areas of conditioning , skill learn ing, transfer, retenti c,n, and imitation learning. Three hours lecture, three hours labora tory. Prerequisite: 20:5, 210. Laboratory fee $10.00.
312 PSYCHOLOGY OF MOTIVATION (3) Analysis of drives, drive stimulus-reduction, need and need arousal, intrinsic versus ex
trinsic motivations, functions of reward. Prerequisite: 206 or 210. 402 CONTEMPORA IRY ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY (3)
Overview of psychology as a discipline and analysis of historic and current trends in the field . Relationship of psychology to sociology, history , religion , and ~cience . Prequisite: 12 uni ts of psychology. 405 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (4) Attitude formation and change, attitude measurement, prejudice , conformity, leadership, affiliation drives, and group processes. Social experiments and research. Three hours lecture, two hours labor.atory. Prerequisite: 204, 205 , 210. Laboratory fee $5.00. 410 PERCEPTUAL PROCESSES (3) Perception: process, law, relationship to behavior. Prerequisite: 205 . 411 TESTING AND THEORY IN PERSONALITY (3) Major theorists including Freud, Allport, Rogers, Cattel and Kelly ; major tests of person ality , M.M.P.I., C.P.I., and Cattel's 16 P-F. Prerequisite: 204, 306. Laboratory fee $5 .00. 414 READING IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3) Provides the student with opportuntiy for extensive study in a specific topic of his choos ing. Prerequisite: Senior standing. Either semester. 418 PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPY - THEORY AND PRACTICE (3) Nature, development, and practice of various modes of psychological therapy; emphasiz ing rationalistic, client-centered, group therapies, and behavior modification techniques. Prerequisite: 309. 426 SEMINAR IN GROUP COUNSELING (4) Techniques for forming groups , analyzing processes, leadership, facilitators , measurement of behavior, and methods of stabilizing gains over time. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory; Prerequisite: 15 units in Psychology and consent.
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