351 DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL THOUGHT (3) Outstanding social th.inker s to the 19th Century; ideas of men compared and contrasted within the various societies as background to the development of social thought. 352 SOCIAL CONTROL (3) The processes by which confo rmit y of the individual to the group is ob tained and by which social organization is established and maintained. 354 SOCIAL INTERACTION (3) Sociological contributions to theo ry and research in socia l psycho logy bearing on the relationship between cu lture and group life t o human behavi or and personality ; analy sis of symboli c processes , ro le be hav ior , psycho-social processes and soc ial reference groups; socia li zation and the social aspect, att itudes, values , and be li efs in relationship to groups. Prerequisite: Psychology 206. 355 SOCIAL STRATIFICATION (3) Nature, theory, and funct ions of social stratification; criteria o f social stratification dif ferentiation, status , and role; comparative systems of strati fi cat ion. 357 SOCIOLOGY OF WORK AND PROFESSIONS (3) Development of occupat ional roles with emphasis on specialization, divi sion of labor and mobility ; impact of occupatio ns on the family, economy, government , education, and religion ; spec ial focus on development of work and professi1ons in the United States . 360 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL WORK (3) Survey of the fields o f social work; generic principles, methodology, eth ics an d profess ion al development; fie ld visits to selected social agenc ies and speakers sharing exper ien ces from social work practices. 363 SOCIAL WELFARE AS A SOCIAL INSTITUTION (3) Development of modern social welfare programs and conceptual analysis of soc ial policy including consideration of counter act ing economi c, cultural, a nd political forces; socio eco nomic conditions as related to disadvantage.
364 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT (3) Growth of the ind ividu al and his interaction with the soc ial environment.
365,366 HELPING METHOD IN SOCIAL SERVICES I, II (3) (3) Problem analysis and se lection of appropriate goa ls and intervent ive strategies; st ud y of pract ice skill s used in meeting human need.
/)7 367,368 FIELD INSTRUCTION I, II ~) ~) Directed experience in a social agency , beginning service ass ignment s.
371,372 FIELD SEMINAR AND READINGS I, II (3) (3) Synthesizing se minar and concur rent read ings; shari ng of learn ing experiences and con sideration of special problems. 402 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION (3) Analysis of re li gious practices that affect society and societal factors that affect religious practi ces; Chri st ian and non -Christi an beliefs and institutions.
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