Financial Information Biola College seeks to provide a quality education for all its students at the most reason able cost possible. As a private, non-profit institution, Biola College receives no support from taxes or ot her public fund s. Tuition charges paid by the stud ents do not cover the costs of providi ng a quality educat ion . Consequently , every student who attend s Biola College receives a substantial subsidy, made possible by the gifts of alumni, indivi dual friends, interested churches, and in a few cases businesses and corporations. The expenses of students at Biola College are shown in the following schedules. The college reserves the right to change all student charges, modify its services, or change its programs should economic conditions or nat ional emergency make i t necessary to do so. TUITION Each semester- $9 10.00 (12 units or more each semester) .. . ... . . (year) $ 1820.00 · (Includes A.S.B. fee) From one through eleven units per semester per unit. . ......... .... . $ 77. 00 ROOM AND BOARD I st semester- room: $250.00 board $325 .00 2nd semester- room: $205 .00 board $325 .00 ................ (year) $1 105 .00 SPECIAL FEES (in addition to the above tuition , only as applicable to the individual student - each semester) Late Registration - First Week . ..................... . ... ...... $ 5.00 - Second Week ...... . ........ . .... : . . . . . . . . . . I 0.00 Auditing Fee, Per Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Change of Class Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Laboratory Fees .................... ..... ... ..... . .. $ 10.00- 15.00 Student Teaching Fee (each assignment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 * Accident and Medical Insurance (12 months- $1000 maximum) ....... .. ... . ............... . 22.50 t Parking Fee ........................................... . 10.00 Transcript Fee (for each copy after the first) .......... .. . . ... . .. . . 1.00 P.E. Fee - (special activities, including 30 I , 302) ... . .. . .. . .... ... .. . 10.00 P.E. Fee - all other activity courses . .. . ........................ . 5.00 *Required of all st udent s with more than 6 units and who do not file a "Ce rtification of Insurance Coverage" at the time of registration. Also required of all students parti ci pating in or practicing for inter-collegiate sports programs.
MUSIC FEES Individual Instruction, per semester for Music Majors
One Unit (one half-hour lesson a week) ... .. ................ . $ 60.00 Two Units (two half-hour lessons a week) ............. . . ..... . 120.00 Per unit beyond degree requirements ... . ..... . . . ........... . 70.00 Per unit charge - Non-music majors . ........... . ... . . .. . ... . 75.00
Junior and Senior Applied Music Majors taking three units of their principal instrument will be charged the two unit fee .
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