
Required Practice Room Fees per semester for Music Majors One Unit (7 hours per week) ............................. . Two Units (14 hours per week) ... . ....... . ..... . ...... . .. . Three Units (21 hours per week) ...... ... ................. . Additional weekly practice room hours are usually available at nominal extra cost. Required Practice Room Fee per semester for non-music majors (7 hours per week) ..... . . . ...... . ..................... .

7.50 15.00 22.50


Recital Hall One hour a week ..................... . ............... . Available to intermediate or advanced organ students , and piano majors, and/or students presenting a Junior or Senior Recital during the semester. (The College has the following organs: a twenty-six rank three-manual Schantz, a two- manual Rogers, a three-manual Artisan, and a concert model Hammond.) 7.50 TYPICAL COST The average charges for a student living on campus for one school year (2 semesters) might appear as follows: Tuition $ 1820.00 Room and Board l 105.00 Vehicle Registration 20.00 Insurance ..-45:00 s-J. 0 0 Books and Supplies $100 .00- 150.00 $3090 .00- 3140'.00 1. PAYMENT OPTIONS Costs of tuition and room and board may be paid in one of the following ways: 1. Payment for each semester on or before the day of fall or spring registration. 2. Down Payments: A down payment o( $500. each semester for students living on campus and $300. each semester for off campus students is required. 3. Deferred Payments: The balance of the student's account after the down payment is payable in 4 pay­ men ts (Oct.-Jan.) for the fall semester and 4 payments (Feb.-May) for the spring semester. A FINANCE CHARGE of 1% per month of the unpaid balance at each billing is added for carrying the account. All payments are due on or before the 25th of the month as indicated in the billing summary. LATE CHARGES Payments not received by the 15th of the month following the date the payment was due , are subject to an additional ½% per day late charge up to ten days or a maximum of $5.00 . late charge is based on the amount late and is in addition to any service charge due on the unpaid balance.


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