
The Office of Student Financial Services offers counseling and assistance in ascertaining the most appropriat e forms of financial aid for each student. Most financial aid awards are based on demonstrated financial need.


All students and prospective students who wish to be considered for financial aid, includ­ ing scholarships, for any portion of the coming academic year , must file the required documents by April 1. An application to the California State Scholarship Commission for a scholarship is re­ quired of all California residents. (Any exception to this must be dealt with individually by the Office of Student Financial Services). What to File? A Biota Financial Assistance Application must be comp leted. Forms are available in th e Office of Student Financial Services. PCS or SFS. The Parents' Confidential Statement (PCS) or the Student's Financial State­ ment (SFS) is required of all applicants for a id. (A student may file a SFS and be con­ sidered independent only if he has not been claimed by his parents for tax purposes. he ha s not received more than $600 from hi s parents in the past year, and he has not lived with his parents for the past twelve months for more than three weeks at a time.) Applications are available in the Student Financial Services Office or from high school counselors and should be completed and mailed to the College Scholarship Service (CSS) , P. 0 . Box 1501 , Berkeley, California 94701 by mid-February (for non.California resi­ dents) and by the Ca lifornia State Scholarship Commission's due date (usually late November) for California residents. Students should indicate that a need analysis be sent to Biola College - 4017 - and CSS- 0024, for California re sidents. California State Scholarship applications are available in the Office of Student Financial Services and must be mailed to the California State Scholarship & Loan Commi ss ion, 1410 Fifth St., Sacramento, California , 95814, by the November deadline to be con­ sidered for the following fall. Departmental applications for scholarships (for music , athletics, and forensics), are available from departments on ly. For example, write to the Chairman , Music Department. Biota Co ll ege. Work-Study Applications should be filled out at the time an on-campus job is obtained from the st udent employment office. Applications will be processed and the student and his employer will be notified if he is eligible.


Awards are made by the Scholarship Committee to students meeting academic and per­ sonal requirements. Scholarships ranging from $ 100 upward are given for a peri od of one year, and in most cases are renewable if the student continues to meet require­ ments and funds are available.


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