
Department of Art

Associate Professor: Zamora Assistant Professor: Loga n (chairman) Inst ruct or: Grebe

Ohjectives: The object ive of the Art Department is to develop adequate fou ndationa l und erstanding and ski ll in the various forms of art expression, preparatory to advanced study , a professional ca re er in art , or art education. Department Major: 47 units of Art of which 31 are specified requ irements (see depart­ ment for listing). The remaining 16 unit s are art elect ives in an area of specialization under the direction of the department. Department Major with Education Emphasis: 38 units of Art. (Please consult with Educa- tion Department and maj o r advisor.) ......_. Department Major with Advertisin!( Desiin Emphasis: 50 units of art of which 32 are specific requirements: 6 units are specified upper division core courses in communicat ions, and 12 units of Art /Communi cations dectives. Department Minor: The student must comp lete lower division courses I 00, 103 , 110 and 6 units of elect ives, p lus 6 units of upper division courses totaling 20 units. 100 ART INTRODUCTION (3) Designed to promot e an appreciati on of painting , sc ulp ture, and architecture , as well as the graphics, industrial, and decorative arts; comparative study of styles , periods, and artists. 103 DRAWING I (2) Basic drawing to study form, perspective, and composition. Fee $10.00. 104 CRAFTS (3) Introductory studies in various forms of handicrafts, including si lk screening, textiles, stained glass, leather, and weaving. Fee $ 10.00. 105 PAINTING I (3) Painting in oi l, problems using st ill life. Prerequisite: 103 or consen t. Either semester. Fee $ 10 .00.

110 DESIGN I (3) Problems involving the basic elements of design . Fee $ 10.00. 115 CERAMICS I (3) Basic techniques of clay handling and glazing. Fee $ 10 .00.

120 SCULPTURE I (3) Introductory problems in 3-dimensional expression, including carving, modeling, and casting. Fee $ 10 .00 .


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