200 (3) A continuation of Design 110, with problems in color, composition, and rendering. Pre requisite: 110 or consent. Fee $10 .00 DESIGN 11 204 THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN (3) Studio projects investigating the principles of three-dimensional design in various media. Fee $10.00. 206 DRAWING II (3) Continuation of Drawing I studying still life and model in various media. Prerequisite: 103 or consent. Fee $15 .00 . 207 LETTER ING (3) Basic styles of lettering ; practice in pen and brush lettering ; display signs, and manu script projects. (3) Introduction to fine arts printmaking processes including woodcut, linoleum block , collage print and serigraphy. Prerequisite: 103 or consent. Fee: $10.00. 208 PRINTMAKING I 301 (3) Survey of ancient and medieval art; emphasis on works of architecture, sculpture, and painting and their significance in general world culture . 302 ART HISTORY II (3) Historical and cultural consideration of visual art from the Renaissance to the present. 304 CER-AMICS II (3) Advanced studies in techniques of ceramics , including use of kiln. Prerequisite: 115 or consent. Fee $10.00. ART HISTORY I 305 SCULPTURE II (3) Advanced studies in sculpture with emphasis on student research and experimentation. Prerequisite: 120 or consent. Fee $ 10.00.
306 ELEMENTARY ART WORKSHOP (2) Developing and preparing art projects suitab le fo r elementary schoo l pupils. Fee $ 10 .00.
308 PAINTING II (~) Pictorial problems in various techniques of painting. Prerequisite: Art 103, 105, 110 or consent. Fee $ 10.00. (3) Watercolor of still life and landscape. Prerequisite: 103, or consent. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. Fee $10.00 309 WATERCOLOR 310 PORTRAIT (3) The model in various media with emphasis on composition. Prerequisite: 103 , I IO , 206, or consent. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. Fee $ 15.00 . 311 PRINTMAKING II (3) Advanced studies in fine art printmaking of etching , drypoint, engraving , and lithography. Prerequisite: 208 or consent. Fee: $10.00.
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