313 ADVERTISING DESIGN I (3) Introduction to des ign principles , communication and skills in graphic art design as applied to visual communication . Prerequisite: 110, 200, 204, or consent. Fee: $ 10.00: 314 ADVERTISING II (3) Problems of advertising layout and graphic techniques in advert ising design ; techniques and materials applied to projects, package and brochure design . Prerequisite: 313 or con sen t. Fee: $ 10 .00. 400 STUDIES IN ART HISTORY (3) Philosophical and critical studies in various specialized areas of periods of art , both historical and con temporary. 410 SEMINAR IN ART (1-4) Independent study in areas of concentration under faculty direction with emphasis in history, studio, and creative research . Areas of concentration: Two-dimensional (Drawing , Painting , Design), Three-dimensional (Ceramics and Sculpture), Advertising Design. May be repeated. Pre-requisite: Consent. Fee $ 10 .00 . 412 INTERNSHIP IN GRAPHIC ART TECHNOLOGY (3) Internship progr am with local art studios , graphic art firms, and publishing companies. Prerequisite: 314 or consent.
470 STUDIO RESEARCH (2) Preparation for senior art exhibition under direction of faculty member.
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