

mentation. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Laboratory fee $20.00. Pre­ requisite: 100. 401 POPULATION BIOLOGY (4) Genetics, evolution , and ecology related to biological populations encompassing all living organisms; experimental genetics and field biology emphasized in laboratory . Three hours lecture , four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: 202 or 301. 402 BIOLOGICAL ADAPTATIONS (3) Historical and present-day developments of the idea of evolution; hereditable change and variation as applied to an objective evaluation of historical geology, comparative anatomy, and organismal and population dynamics. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 411 BIOCHEMISTRY (3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics , biosynthesis and other chemistry

of life processes . Three hours lecture. Prerequisite : Chemistry 302. 412 LABORATORY METHODS IN BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2)

An integrated laboratory course to accompany Chemistry 411 and Biology 422. Modern techniques in molecular genetics, metabolic processes , bioenergetics and enzyme mech­ anisms . Six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 312 and Chemistry 302. 421 GENERAL AND COMPARATIVE ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY (4) Selected topi cs from general and cell physiology; functional comparison of animal systems with emphasis on vertebrates; modern methodology such as respirometry , electrophysiol­ ogy, and physiograph techniques emphasized in laboratory. Three hours lecture , four hours laboratory . Prerequisite: 111. 422 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (3) Historical development and present-day field of molecular genetics, procaryotic and eucaryotic cell regulation , genetic action of hormones and current developmental problems (i.e. cancer). Emphasis on literature search of primary sources, student dis­ cussion, and analysis of methodology and experimental design. Three hours lectures. Prerequisite: 312. 450 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) Literature and laboratory research of a specific subject or technique in biology; advanced students gain experience in experimental design, laboratory investigation , and technical writing. May be repeated for a maximum of 3 units. Prerequisite: Junior or senior stand­ ing and consent. Either semester. 452 ADVANCED FIELD BIOLOGY (4) Plants and animals in their natural habitat; emphasis given to taxonomy , morphology, and population dynamics. Group and individual study in a four-week summer expedition. May be substituted for 40 I. Not open to those who have taken 252. 470 SEMINAR IN ADVANCED BIOLOGY (1) Literature research followed by oral presentation , group discussion, and evaluation ; independent thought and study stressed. May be repeated for maximum of two units of credit.


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