314 TAX ACCOUNTING (3) The ory and procedures in preparation of federal and Californi a income tax retu rns for individuals, partnerships, corporati ons, gifts and estates. 320 BUSINESS STATISTICS (3) Collection and prese ntati on of business data, central tendency and dispersion measures for business analysis, sampling and inference for hypothesis testing and quality control, business forecasting with simpl e and multiple regression, index numbers. Prerequisite 191 . 330 MARKETING (3) Methods , policies, and principles of modern marke ting sys tems; various channe ls of dis tribution and future trends. Prerequi site: Economics 20 I. 361, 362 BUSINESS LAW (3, 3) First semester : Function of law in our society , contracts , agency, Uniform Commercia l Code. Second Semeste r: Property, partnerships , security agreements, government and business. 364 SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (3) Methods, problems, and factors involved in launching and operating small mercantile or service business. Prerequisite: 111 or 21 1. Offered on suffic ient demand. 370 CORPORATE Fl NANCE (3) Problems and methods in securing funds for corporations; nature of secur ities markets. Prerequisite: 21 1, 212. Offered on sufficient demand. 411 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING (3) Provides more advanced concepts of partnership, special sa les procedures, conso li dat ions, fiduciaries and actuali al problems. Prerequisite: 3 12, 313. Alternate years , offered 1975 -76. 412 AUDITING (3) Standards and control concepts; internal control and procedures; closing the audit. Pre requisite: 312,3 13. 415 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION (3) Principles of organizat ion, authority, responsibility, and accountabi li ty; problems of location , risks, merchandising control, levels of management, and human relations of the business enterprise. Prerequisites: 2 I2, Economi cs 20 1. Offered on suffi cient demand. 418 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT (3) .r Organization and role of the personnel department in business; analyzing and solving case problems drawn from industry. Alternate years, offered 1975 -76. 437 REAL ESTATE (3) Laws relating to rights and ob li gat ions inherent in ownersh ip of real property; how tit le to real property is transferred; homesteads , trust deeds , liens; land descriptions; escrow procedure; title insurance; the real estate broker. Offered on sufficient demand . 450 DIRECTED READING (3) Extensive exploration of the literature in a selected field of bus iness under faculty guidance. Prerequisite: Upper division standing and consent. 470 RESEARCH (3) Methods of modern research in industry, with a project designed to encompass individual student interest. Prerequisite: Consent.
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