

Economics 201 , 202 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS (3, 3) Principles underlying the U.S. balance of payments, the Gross National Product, inflation, unemployment, ecology problems , etc. Recommended for soc ial science majors. 345 CURRENT ECONOMIC ISSUES (3) Reading and analysis of articles in periodicals and the daily press relating to economic problems. Utilizes principles developed in Economics 20 1, 202. Offered on sufficient demand. 350 MONEY AND BANKING (3) Nature, function s, and flow of money and credit in the American economy and the world; analysis of commercial banking and our monetary system. Prerequisite: 20 I. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 360 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Key developments chronologically in agriculture , commerce, communications, industry, finance, and tran spo rtation: perspective in business admini stration and problem solving. Prerequisite: Consent. See also History 360. Business Education 422 BUSINESS EDUCATION AND THE COMMUNITY (3) Factors that affect the development and operation of the Business Ed ucation program in meeting the need s of the community. Offered on sufficient demand. 423 CURRENT PROBLEMS IN BUSINESS EDUCATION (3) Problem of relating course content to the needs of industry , state, and national organiza­ tions. Offered on sufficient demand.


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