Department of Christian Education
Professors: Braun (chairman), Bynum Associate Professor: Leonard
Objective. The Christian Education courses seek to give the necessary undergraduate training for effective professional service in the educational program of the church and its related agencies in America and on the foreign field. The major in Christian Education is designed to place emphasis upon thorough study of the Bible and an adequate background in liberal arts (especially psychology) and Christian Education. Courses in Christian Education are planned to give theoretical training, technical skill, and practical experience. The Christian Education Department seeks to serve the local church in training leadership for its program of evangelism, education, and missions. Students completing a major in Christian Education will receive the Christian Education Diploma of the Evangelical Teacher Training Association. Premajor requirement: 200; Psychology 204 . The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a Christian Education major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a college language. Department Major: 30 units , including 301, 302, 401, 402, 403, 404; Education 314; Psychology 301. Bible 400 should be taken as the Bible elective. A minor of 18 units , recommended by the department, may be chosen in a correlated area under departmental advice: e.g. Christian Education skills, psychology, sociology , physical education, or missions. A group minor may be arranged with department consent. Department Minor: 18 units, including 301, 302, 40 I. NOTE: Those preparing for seminary should include a language in their study. See a department advisor for details. A course of study leading to the Master of Arts degree is ava ilable through Biola's graduate schoo l of theology, Talbot Theological Seminary. Please see the Talbot catalog for details. 200 INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Introduction to the field of Christian Educa tion to acquaint the student with its scope, functions, problems, and vocational opportunities. 301 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION (5) A functional study of leadership , administration, and the organ ization of the total educa tional program of the local church; examination and application of principles of adminis tration to various Christian Education programs. Prerequisite: Psychology 301. 302 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OF CHI LOREN (5) Practical application and evaluation of the organization and administration, curricula, program planning, methods, and audio-visuals employed by the church. Prerequisite: Psychology 301. 306 CHILDREN'S WORK IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Organization , materials , and methods used in the Christian Education of Children (Not open to Christian Education majors.)
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