

309 YOUTH WORK IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Organization, materials, and methods used in the Christian Education of Youth. (Not open to Christian Education majors .) 310 ADULT WORK IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (2) Organization, materials, and methods used in the Christian Education of Adults. (Not

open to Christian Education majors.) 314 AUDIO-VISUAL INSTRUCTION See Education 314. 366 DRAMA IN THE CHURCH (3)


Use of drama as an educational tool; study of production, direction, and acting; use of religious drama in the church and practical production devices . Alternate years, offered 1975-76.


Principles and practice in the administration and organization of various programs for youth and adults; examination of needs , curricula, programs, methods , and audio-visuals used by church and other agencies; includes worship, counseling, recreation and stewardship. 402 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (3) The historical and philosophical progress of Christian Education , tracing the importance of Christian leadership throu_gh church related education movements with special study of present trends. Designed to aid students to form his own Biblical philosophy of Christian Education. 403, 404 SEMINAR: DIRECTED Fl ELD WORK (2, 2) Practical experience in the areas of the student's vocational interest with faculty counsel­ ing and supervision. Prerequisite: 30 I. 405 GROUP COMMUNICATION (3) Contemporary communication theory including general semantics and group dynamics; leadership, group process, and interpersonal relations in the small group. 407 CHURCH OFFICE MANAGEMENT (2) Office management , fundamentals of bookkeeping and record systems , business and office furniture and machines, duplication processes; Christian Education and public relations. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 409 CAMP ADMINISTRATION (1, 3) See Physical Education 409. Taken concurrently with Physical Education 400 or Christian Education 301 or in following semesters. 410 CAMP COUNSELING (2) See Physical Education 410. 412 MISSIONARY EDUCATION IN THE CHURCH (2) Basic administration of a program of missionary education; auxiliary organizations of the church's educational program through which missions is taught to all age levels. 413 CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (2) Essential elements in curriculum formation; intensive study of varied existing curricula; contemporary trends in curriculum production. 417 RECREATION ADMINISTRATION (1, 3) See Physical Education 417.


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