
Department of Communications

Professor: Saunders Associate Professors: Bicker, D. Shanebeck (chairman) , Valentine

Objectives: The Communications major is a flexible program designed to me et the needs of the individual student by providing (l) courses to acquaint the student with the essent ial theories and proficiency necessary for graduate work , (2) the scope of courses desirable for those entering the field of education either as classroom teachers or speech therapists , (3) the background necessary for vocations in the communi cations-related fields. The communication s curriculum also provides supporting courses for several other majors. COMMUNICATIONS MAJOR Student s who plan to major in communi cation shou ld obtain department al co un se ling in sett ing up the ir ind ivid ual program as emphases are possible in several areas including speech communication, drama, speech therapy, and ma ss media. This program must be ap proved and on file with the department at the beginning of the student' s junior yea r. Department Major: of which 24 must be upper div ision, in cluding 331

30 unit s, and 435 . 18 units, and 435 .

of which 12 must be upper division , including 331

Department Minor:

INTERDISCIPLINARY MAJOR IN COMMUNICATION STUDIES The Interdi sciplinary Major in Communicat ion Studies seeks to provide the st udent with a comprehensive knowledge of the process , natu re, and effects of human communication. The major may select an emphasis in either Mass Communi cation or Interpe rsonal Com­ munication which consists of 30 units beyond ge nera l education (24 of the units must be upper division.) The speciali zat ion in Mass Communi cat ion centers upon the dynamics of communi cat ion designed to in fluence human co nduct in macrocosmi c social contexts. The speciali zat ion in Interpersonal Communi cation centers upon sma ll group, face to face communi ca tive interaction ranging from dyadic to intercultural leve ls. Each student must take a 3 unit performance course in oral communicat ion and a 3 unit performance course in written commun ication. STUDIES IN MASS COMMUN ICATION: Select 24 units from the following courses . At least one course must be se lected from each group . 1. Theory and Method of Mass Communication: 435, History 328, Sociology 352,354 . 2. Modes of Mass Communication: 3 10 (May be repeated with different course con tent to includ e: Religious, Politi ca l, and Legal.) 3. Media an d Med ia History: 33 1, 432, Art 313, Business 274 . 4. Language Theory and Hi story: Engli sh 350 , Hi story 304, Linguistics 30 I , Phi losophy 102. STUDIES IN INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION : Select 24 units from the fo ll ow­ ing groups. At least one cour se must be se le cted from each group . I . Theory: 435 , Economics 202, Soc iology 342,354. 2. Meth ods: 105,405, Business 418 , Psycho logy 418 , 426. 3. Heterogeneous Groups Communication: 33 1, 431 , Anthropology 30 l , 303.


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