

321 (3) Survey of types, etiology, and treatment of speech disorders. 331 MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY (3) Impact of films , radio, television, newspapers , magazines , and books in influencing society . Required of all Communication majors. 332 WRITING FOR PUBLICATION (3) PRINCIPLES OF SPEECH CORRECTION Non-fiction writing of feature material for newspapers and magazines. Includes the inter­ view, personality sketch , personal experience story and research article. Marketing re­ quirements and techniques. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. (3) A laboratory course in writing for radio and television, including formats, music contin­ uity , spot announcements, documentaries and drama. 333 WRITING FOR BROADCASTING 335 JOURNALISM PRACTICUM (1) Supervised practical experience in writing for and /or edit ing The Chimes. Prerequisite: Completion of or current enrollment in 203 or the equivalent. May be repeated. (3) Impact of radio and television media on society. Projects in announcing, producing, directing and writing. Field trips to area radio and television stations. 342 INTRODUCTION TO MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION (2) 340 INTRODUCTION TO BROADCASTING Principles and techniques of making motion pictures and preparing films, utilizing both lecture and laboratory approaches. Students provide their own Super 8 film. Prerequisite: (2) Lab and camera techniques through actual experience. Emphasis on fundamentals of photo composition, developing, printing as applied to mass media. Laboratory fee $10.00. 346 PHOTOJOURNALISM 11 (2) Advanced application of skills gained in photojournalism I. Emphasis on refinement of photographic slcills and development of creative graphics. Camera required. Prerequisite: 345 or passing of specia l exam. Laboratory fee $ 10.00. (3) Specialized offerings in drama production . At le ast one section offered yearly in areas such as: Play Directing , Stagecraft , Play Production and The Drama Team . Designed as a lab oratory course for student s training to participate in drama in churches and schools. Oppo rtunities given for practical experience through the presentation of plays for the public. When feasible , one-act production teams will perform for area churches and or­ gan izat ions . May be repeated with different course content. Consent. Laboratory fee$ 10.00 . 345 PHOTOJOURNALISM I 351 WORKSHOP IN DRAMATIC PRODUCTION 361 (3) Development of the actor's individual creativity and expression ; applying hi s techniques to various acting interpretations and characterizations; ensemble playing. Prerequisite: 261. ADVANCED ACTING 366 DRAMA IN THE CHURCH (3) An overview of available materials as well as techniques of selecting, staging, and directing dramatic presentations for church and Christian education programs. Content determined by ability and need.


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