
Department of Education

Professors: E. Carden, Hammond, Jones (chairman)

The major function of this department is professional preparation for teaching and admini stra tion . An adequate prepa ration of the teacher includes a sa ti sfactory subject matter fou ndation ; a knowledge of the pupil; competency in the ski ll s of teaching; the development and encouragement of critical judgment and creativity; and the deve lop­ ment of soc ial and personal traits , et hi ca l standa rd s, and Chr ist ian id ea ls of service. Pre­ paration for administration seeks to develop the additiona l competencies needed by those who will direct the learni ng program . Credential Programs Requirement : In order to qualify fo r a Teaching Crede ntial one mu st comp lete a maj or and professional st udi es leading to a baccalaureate degree . An addit ional thirty units of cou rse-work must be co mpl eted within five years of the first emp loyment in teaching under the credential. Two types of credentia ls are avai lab le: single subject and multiple subject. "Single sub­ ject" instruction means the practice of assignment of teachers and students to specified subject matter co ur ses, as is commonly practiced in Ca lifornia high schools and most Ca li fornia junior high schools. "M ultipl e subject" instruction means the practice of assign­ ment of teache rs and students for multiple subject matter instruction , as is common ly practiced in Cal iforni a elementa ry schools. R ecommended majors for single subject credential: art, biological science, business admini st ra.tion, communicati ons, Engli sh, history, humanities, (literature or Spanish concent rat ion) mathematics, music, physical education , physical science, social scie nce. Recommended major fo r multiple subject credential: Diversified. Those who choose one of the fo llowing will be required to pass a state autho ri zed examination to ea rn the credent ial: art , biological sc ience, commun icat ions, Engli sh, hi story , humanities, mathe­ matics, music, physical sc ience, psychology , socia l science, sociology. Diverszfied Major: The Diversified Major is des igned for the preparat ion of elementary school teachers. It consists of twenty-one units in each of the fou r following areas: I. English, including grammar , literature , composition, and speech . 2 . Mathematics and the physical and li fe sciences. 3 . Social sciences, ot her than eel uca tion and eel ucation methodology . 4 . Humaniti es and the arts, including fo reign language. At least twe nty-four upper division units must be taken and appropriate genera l educat ion courses may be included in the eighty-four total units. In addition to Biola ' s general education requirements , there must be at least one course from each of the fo ll owing areas: art, geography, literature, music, and socio logy. Students planning to choose this major are required to see an advisor in the Educat ion Department. Professional courses required: All candidates for the Standard Teaching Credentia l in multiple subject instruction must complete the following Educati on courses : 220, 3 10 , 330, 350, 370, 440, 450. All cand idates for the Standard Teaching Credential in single subject inst ructi on must complete the following Education courses: 220,310,330,370, 440,450.


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