Students who wish to become candidates for a teaching credential must apply for ad mission to the education program in their sophomore year or immediately upon transfer into the college if beyond that year. Other requirements of the Education department are stated in the Guide f or Education Students, which may be secured from the department office. 220 INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING (2) The nature and function of the school and the development of competencies required for success as a teacher. Each week there will be one hour of lecture and discussion and a three-hour assignment as a teacher assistant in a local school. Successful completion of this course constitutes one of the requirements for admission to the education program. 310 SOCIAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (3) The issues facing education today in light of historical, philosophical and sociological principles. Special attention given to cultural and ethnic problems affecting schools and teaching. 314 AUDIO-VISUAL INSTRUCTION (2) Need and functions of audio-visual techniques in teaching; development of skills in use of materials and equipment; sources of materials and equipment. 330 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (3) Application of psychological principles to the educative process ; role of the teacher and learner ; motivation, intelligence, transfer of learning , measurement; human growth and development; recent and outstanding contributions of research and experimentation in the field . Prerequisite: Psychology 204. 340 PRINCIPLES AND CURRICULUM OF SECONDARY EDUCATION (3) Development , scope, and function of public ed ucation as it relates to the secondary school. Consitieration of rural and urban schools, curriculum, vocational education , and special education programs; visits to junior and sen ior high schools and experimental programs included . 350 ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM (4) Introduction to the elementary school curriculum in mathematics , science, social studies, language arts, music, and art; observation and participation in schools. Prerequisite: Consent. 370 TEACHING READING (3) Methods and materials for teaching reading. Designed to insure that teachers of all sub jects can help their pupils improve skill in word attack, comprehension , study techniques and speed. Particular emphasis on the needs of pupils with varied cultural and language background s; observation and participation in schoo ls. Prerequisite: Conse nt. 390 OBSERVATION AND PARTICIPATION (1) Field work in secondary scho o ls for sing le subject crede ntial candidates with majors in art, music, and physical education. Prerequisite: Consent. 420 DIRECTED STUDY (1-3) Consideration of topics in school curriculum according to needs of individua l students. 440, 450 STUDENT TEACHING (6, 6) Full time laboratory experiences in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising teachers and college supervi so rs. Prerequisite: Consent. (Students doing student teaching are limited to a maximum of 15 units that semester. If the stude nt is working , a reducti on in load may be necessary.)
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