

Master of Arts in Christian School Administration This program is designed to prepare administrators fo r Ch ri stian Schools. It has been developed with the ass istance of an Advisory Commi ttee of Christ ian School leaders to meet the specific needs of their institutions. Candidates will rece ive a broad preparation including courses in administration , supervision , counselling, finance and law, curriculum development, testing, and philosophy - all of these specifically related to the Christ ian School. Bible and theology also will be required fo r those who lack preparation in these areas. The program will combine theory with practice throughout, using field expe ri ence with the course work and as a culminating activity. It also will seek to integrate Christian truth with all of the administ rative theory and practice. Admission requirements: Admission to the program will require the fo ll ow ing academic preparation: All app li cant s, to be accepted, must hold a bacca laureate degree from an acc redited or recognized in stitut ion and must have a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average. Those not meeting requirement, if accepted , will be placed on probation. A 2.75 grade point average must be maintained to rema in in the program. A comb ined score of I000 is requ ir ed for verbal and quantitative on the Graduate Record Exam or Undergrad uate Record Exam. Evidence of success in teaching and of high moral charac ter also will be requ ired. Program requirements: Requirements for the degree include the successfu l complet ion of 32 semester hours of prescribed and elect ive courses and the passing of a comprehensive written and oral exami na t ion cover ing the fie lds of study . There also will be a project in the Field Work co ur se which will be written up as a short thes is and deposited in the library to be part of a growing contr ibution of the co ll ege toward improved Chr ist ian schoo l educat ion. Additional requirements include: I ) the candidate must hold a va li1 teaching certificate or have completed the preparation required to secure one; 2) the candidate must have comple ted at least two years of successfu l teaching in a Christian or public schoo l prior to the gra nting of the deg ree; and 3) the candidate must participate in a weekly Chris ti an service ass ignment wh il e he is in the program.


First Year (Part-time basis)

Chr ist ian School Admin istrat ion Christian School Supervis ion

Eel 51I Ed 605 Eel 610

4 4 4 4

Finance and Law


Second Year (Part -time basis)

Ed 570 Ed 606 Ed 608 Ed 6 13 Ed 623

Philosophy of the Christian School Field Work in Administration Counse ling in the Christian School Principles of Curricu lum Development



2 4 2

Tests and Measurements

Elect ives

2-4 32


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