Students in the Master of Arts program will be required to take 8 graduate unit s of Bible and theo logy (EB 703 , 707, Th 504) through Talbot Theological Seminary in place of the elective unit s if they have not had these or equivalent courses. 511 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION (4) Analysis of administrative duti es and responsibilities relative to schoo l board , faculty, staff, pupils, parents, and community. 570 PHI LOSOPHY OF THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (2) Aims of Christian schoo ls and mea ns of achieving them ; expl ora ti on of attitudes and con viction s which Christian school s seek to develop in their students. 605 CHRISTIAN SCHOOL SUPERVISION (4) Development of techniques of eval uation of instruction , in-service training, implementa Laboratory expe ri ences in a Christian schoo l under the direction of experienced admini s trators and co ll ege supervi so rs. In cludes a semi nar designed to relate theory and pract ice. 608 COUNSELING IN THE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (2) Principles, practi ces, particular problems, and conce rn s in coun se ling pupils and parents in the Christian schoo l. 610 FINANCE AND LAW (4) Principles of school finance, budget preparat ion and adm ini st ration examined along with laws affecti ng schoo ls, teachers, and pupils. 613 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (4) Essenti al elements in curri cu lum fo rmat ion; intensive study of varied ex isting curricula ; analysis of co ntemporary trends in curriculum production. 623 TEST AND MEASUREMENTS (2) tion of school programs, and other supervi so ry act ivitie s. 606 FIELD WORK IN ADMINISTRATION (2-4) Theory of testing and functions of measuremen ts in ed ucat ion; supervi sed practice in use and int erpre tati on of specifi c tests and measurement devices relevant to the educa tion program .
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