
Department of Foreign Languages

Professors: R. Buss, Sturz, Wetzler Associate Professor: Wilmot Assistant Professors: Fox, Montgomery

Objectives: The objectives of this department are to increase grammatical and linguistic aptitude, to provide a basis for future graduate work, to help meet the needs of the mission field, and to give an insight into cultural and literary values of ot her nations. The Department of Foreign Languages offers minors or humanities major concentrations in Greek and Spanish. Department Minor: l 2 upper division units. FRENCH Students who have taken 2 years of high school French may not take French 10 I for credit. Students with 3 or 4 years of high schoo l French should consult with department for placement test. 101, 102 ELEMENTARY FRENCH (4, 4) Basic principles of pronunciation and grammar, vocabulary drill, graded reading. From the beginning, classroom conversations in French. Five hours each week. 201 INTERMEDIATE FRENCH (4) Advanced grammar and conversation, with emphasis on reading for meaning and speed. Five hours each week. 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (3) Both standard and specialized offerings; one or more sections offered each year in areas such as: Conversation, Survey of Literature A and B, Seventeenth Century Drama, Nine­ teenth Century Novel. May be repeated with different content (section title). GERMAN Students who have taken 2 years of high school German may not take German IO I for credit. Students with 3 or 4 years of high school German should consult with department for placement test. ln following the sequence of courses in German, the student must have a minimum grade of"C" to qualify for enrollment in subsequent courses. 101, 102 ELEMENTARY GERMAN (4, 4) An intensive course developing the skills necessary for hearing and reading comprehension and simple written German. Five hours each week. 201 INTERMEDIATE GERMAN (4) A grammar review with readings in German literature . Collateral readings in the field of each student's special interest. Five hours each week . 320 STUDIES IN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (3) Both standard and speciali zed offerings ; one or more sections offered each year in areas such as: Conversation, Survey of Literature , Folklore . May be repeated with different content (section ti tie).


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