201 INTERMEDIATE SPANISH (4) Advanced grammar, composition , increased facility in reading and conversation. Five hours each week. Either semester. 310 ADVANCED CONVERSATION AND COMPOSITION (5) Advanced work in conversation , re ading , and writing Spanish . Prerequisite : 201 or equiva lent. Either semester. 401, 402 SURVEY OF SPANISH AMERICAN LITERATURE (3, 3) A survey of literature of Hispanic America to modern times; reading and discussion of outstanding literary works and movement s. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: 201 or equivalent and consent of instructor; 401 not prerequisite to 402. Alternate years, offe red 1975-76. 403, 404 SURVEY OF SPANISH LITERATURE (3, 3) A survey of the literature of Spain from earliest times to present ; reading and discussion of the outstanding literary works and movements. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: 3Q.2 or equivalence; 403 not prerequisite to 404. Alternate years, offe red 1974-75 . 405 LITERATURE OF THE GOLDEN AGE (3) Representat ive works of Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Calderon, Quevedo, Tirso, etc. Pre requisite : 401,402 or 403 , 404 . 406 LITERATURE DEL SIGLO XIX (3) Representative works of Lana , Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Clarin, Unamuno, Azorin, Baroja, etc. Prerequisite: 401 , 402 or 403 ,404. 407 THE SPANISH AMERICAN NOVEL (3) Represent ative novels of Spanish America; emphasis on characteristics and styles; literary movements and influences. Alternate years, offered 1975 -76.
408 CONTEMPORARY SPANISH LITERATURE (3) Current literature and develop ing trends. Alternate years, offered 1974-75 . 470 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1 -3)
Individual research and writing fo r advanced students by special arrangement. Pre requisite : Senior standing and consent (st udents must have taken 40 I , 402,403 and 404 or equivalents) . May be repeated with different content.
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