209 ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN WORLD (3) Ancient empires of East Mediterranean world from dawn of history to defeat of Persians by Greeks; emphasis on ancient civilization including religion, art , and literature. 210 ANCIENT AEGEAN WORLD (3) Hi story of Aegean world from pre-Greek period to defeat of Greeks by Romans; emphasis on classical Greek civilization including religion, art, and literature . 211 ROMAN HISTORY (3) Roman history from its beginning to the fall of the Empire; Rome's part in the prepara tion of the Mediterranean wo rld for the spread of Chri st ianity ; Rome 's contributions to Western civilization . Alternate yea rs , offered 1974-75 . 301 AMERICAN COLONIAL HISTORY (3) Settlement of North America and growth of Anglo-American civi li zation to I763; development of political, economi c, and religious insti tut io ns ; development of a distinc tive American culture. 302 THE UNITED STATES FROM COLONY TO NATION (3) The Ame ri can Revolution ; establishment of a democratic government; growth of national culture from 1763 to 1828. 303 THE DISRUPTION OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY (3) Slavery , sectionalism, the realignment of political parties , their impact upon American national li fe, and the disruption of American democracy from 1828 to 1860. 304 SOCIAL AND INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Social impact of westward expansion, immigration , industrialization, urbanization and cultural pluralism combined with major intellectual ideas instrumental in the shaping of American society. Prerequisite: History 205, 206. Alternate years, offered 1974-75. 305 THE CHURCH IN THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (3) A religious history of the United States from the co lon ial to the contemporary period, emphasizing the church' s effect on and its response to Puritanism, the westward move ment, social and intellectual fe rment, industrialization , immigration, urbani zation and war. Alternate years, offered 1975 -76. 309 COLONIAL LATIN AMERICA (3) Pre-Colombian cultures; conquest by Spain and Portugal and the Euro pe an background of these countries; development of the socio-economic, cultur al, and government al in st itutions in colon ial life; the background of revolution and the wars of indepe ndence . Alternate years , offered 1975-76. 310 REPUBLICAN LATIN AMERICA (3) Latin American Republics from 1826 to 1960; historical and representative government ; socio-economi c and cultural changes: the role of the United States foreign policy in this era. Alternate years, offered 1975-76. 313, 314 MEDIEVAL HISTORY (3, 3) Western Europe an history from the fall of Rome to the Protestant Reformation ; medieval institutions with special emphas is on the transition in arts, letters, and learning from the medieval to the mode rn age; political , social , and religious phases of the Reformation . Alternate years, offered 1974-75.
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