

200 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS (3) Uses for electronic computers, computer arithmetic and data representation ; interna l operat ion and storage, programming , basic computer instructi ons, FORTRAN-elementary featu res, elementary COBOL; app li cat ion to sta tistics, life science , business, social sc ience . Laborato ry fee: $5.00 . 201 INTRODUCTION TO PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS (3) Nat ure of stat ist ica l methods, description of sampl e data, fundamental concept s of probab ility , probability distribution , sampling , est imation , corre lat ion and regress io n ; application to li fe science , business and eco nomics, educat ion, engin ee ring, health, insur­ ance , social sciences. 205 INTERMEDIATE CALCULUS I (3) Vector functi ons and their derivatives , differential and integral calculus of severa l varia­ bles, curves and polar coordinates, infinite series. Prerequisite: 106. 206 INTERMEDIATE CALCULUS II (3) More topics on infinite series and calculus of several variables, differential equations. Prerequisite: 205. 294 LINEAR ALGEBRA (3) Topics from matrices, determinants, linear transformations , and vecto r spaces. Pre­ requ isite : 205 o r consent. 305 ADVANCED CALCULUS (3) The rea l number system, elememary topo logical conce pt s in Ca rte sian spaces, con­ vergence, continuity, derivatives and integrals. Prerequisite: 206, 294 . 315 MODERN ALGEBRA (3) Introduct ion to abst ract algebra with topics from elemen tary ring, field, and group theories. Emphasi s on ring integers, congruences , po lynomi al domains, pe rmutation groups. Prerequisite: 294 or consent. 321 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS I (3) Funct ions of a single vari able, so lution of nonlin ea r equations, interpo la.tio n and approxi­ mation of functions , numerical d iffe ren tiatio n an d integrat ion. Two hours lecture, three hours laborato ry (with comput er programming). Laboratory fee: $ I 5 .00. Prerequisite: 106 or consent. 322 PROBABILITY (3) Sample space s, ax ioms and element ary theorems of prob ab ility , combinatories, indepen­ dence cond itiona l probabi lity, Bayes' Theorem, one and hi gher dimensional rand om variab les, discrete and continuous random variables, spe cial and multi-variate distribu­ tions . Prerequisite: Ma th 205 or consent. 33 1 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS II (3) Eva luation of funct ions, summa t ion of series, estimat ion of truncations and round-off erro rs; solution of line ar sys tems of equ at ions, solut ion of o rdinary differential equations. Two hours lecture, three hour s laborato ry (with computer programming). Laboratory fee : $ 15.00. Prerequi site : 106 or consent. 332 STATI STI CS (3) Estimation: consistency unbi asedness, maximum likelihood, confidence intervals. Testing hypothesis: Type I and II error s, likelihood ratio tests, test for means and variances; regression and co rre lation , Chi -square tests , decision theory, nonparametric sta ti st ics; appli cation of statistical methods. Pre requi site : Math 205 or consent.


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