203 MUSIC THEORY-AURAL EMPHASIS (1) Singing, at sight, of advanced melodic materials such as classical, folk, and hymn tunes, canons; dictation of 2 and 3 part contrapuntal passages . 204 MUSIC THEORY-AURAL EMPHASIS (1) Singing, at sight, of advanced melodic materials of greater difficulty; dictation of 2 , 3, and 4 part contrapuntal passages; dictation of vertical harmonic passages such as chorales and hymn tunes . 301 MUSIC THEORY-WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Chromatic harmony , modulation, and structural aspects of music of the nineteenth cen tury . Sixteenth century counterpoint. Prerequisite : 202. 302 MUSIC THEORY-WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Eighteenth century counterpoint. Twentieth century harmony and counterpoint. Prerequisite : 301 . 311 , 312 COMPOSITION (2,2) Original work in vocal and instrumental forms. Offered only on a private instructional basis. Prerequisite : 302. 401 ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES (2) An alysis of music: motive , phrase , period; binary , tenary , rondo , and sonata-allegro forms. 402 , 403 ORCHESTRATION (2 , 2) Range , technique , and transposition of orchestral instruments. Exercise s in orchestration. Prerequisite : 302. 411, 412 COMPOS ITl ON (2, 2) Original work in vocal , instrumental , and orchestral forms . Offered only on a private instructional basis. Prerequisite: 302 , 403 . Church Music 221 CHURCH MUSIC (1) The use of music in worship , fellowship and evangelism. Music for the congregation, organ, instruments and choirs. 440 STUDIES IN CHURCH MUSIC (3) One or more sections offered periodically such as: Church Music History , Church Music Philosophy , and Church Music Ministries. Church Music History: Music in the Bible ; historical development of traditional orders of worship ; orders of worship in non-liturgical churches ; the writing and use of hymns; hymn tunes ; the use of choirs and instruments. Church Music Philosophy: The Biblical foundation of church music; the psychology of worship ; the ministry of the director and organist ; congregational participation ; current trends in church music . Church Music Ministries: The development of a church music program; graded choirs ; the relation of the director of musical ministries to the congregation, the music committee, and the pastor ; music budgets; music in the church school ; music for worship , evangelism, and fellowship ; church music and the arts ; problems in church music .
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