313 CONDUCT! NG (3) Basic conducting skill s; the psycho logy of conducting; observation of choral and orches tral rehearsals. (Advanced cond ucti ng, cho ral or in strumen ta l, is avail able by private arrangement.) Music History and Literature 101 INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC (3) Elements of music and media of performance in historical perspective . Provides basi c background in music literature. Sections for those with musical acquaintance and those without. Offered each semester. 305 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE (3) The histo ry of musi c from the pre-Christian era through the early classic period. Prerequi site : +ee. IC>/ 306 MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE (3) The history of music from the late classic period to the present; Prerequisite: 100 . 420 SPECIAL STUDIES IN MUSIC LITER ATU RE (2) An in depth study of mu sic literature as it relates to spe cific instruments, ensembles , period s of history , geographical locat ion , individual composers or ethnic groups. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as piano literature , choral literature , song literature , organ literature , instrumental literature (strings, woodwinds, brasses, percussion instruments), American music, the symphony, the str ing quartet, the concerto, the sonata, etc.
Music Education
320 STUDIES IN MUSIC EDUCATION (1 -4) Preparation fo r teaching music in elementary and seco nd ary schoo ls. One o r more sec tions will be offered each semester in areas such as: Workshops (Brass , Woodwind , Strings , Percussion In strumen ts , Stage Band, Music Drama), 1 unit Music Literature for Chi ldren, 3 unit s Teaching Music in Secondary School (must be taken concurrent ly with Ed 390) , 4 unit s Music for Classroom Teachers (for non-music majors on ly) , 2 units
Independent Study 470 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1 -4)
Independent study in areas such as history, literature , pedogogy , church music, etc . Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation. Prerequisite : Junior or Senior sta nding and co nse nt of instruc tor. Either semester.
Applied Music Special note: Non-music maj ors are limited to a maximum of eight units of credit as electives in applied music ( including ensemble s).
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